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Brown, AliceContinued
Man in the cloister
In Vanishing points
Harper 119:786
Man of feeling
In Vanishing points
Harper 122:684
Man who wanted to be safe
In Harper 115:130
Man who was obstinate
In Atlan 98:836
Map of the country
In High noon
March wind
In Tiverton tales
Atlan 83:537
Mary Felicia
In Homespun and gold
Harper 124:526
In Country neighbors
Atlan 105:31
In Vanishing points
Harper 121:64
Master minds of history
In Country neighbors
Harper 117:662
Meeting in the market-place
In High noon
In Merrylinks
In Flying Teuton and other stories
Scrib M 52:706
Mind cure
In Harper 129:381
Minister of grace
In Harp B 44:37
Minister's fire works
In Harp B 33:588
In High noon
Harper 108:75
In Harp B 40:1094
Mistletoe, a Christmas eve story
In Woman's H C 46:23 D '19
Mis' Wadleigh's guest
In Meadow-grass
Moleskin coat
In Pict R 20:12 Mr '19
Mortuary chest
In Tiverton tales
Harper 93:562
In Vanishing points
Harper 119:465
Nancy Boyd's last sermon
In Meadow-grass
Natalie Blayne
In High noon
Harper 105:505
In Flying Teuton and other stories
Harper 134:715
Nicholas Woodman
In Harper 133:720
Number five
In Meadow-grass
Old debt
In Woman's H C 44:7 N '17
Old immortality
In County road
Harper 110:957
Old Lemuel's journey
In Atlan 125:782
One-footed fairy
In One-footed fairy
Other Mrs. Dill
In Country neighbors
Atlan 103:595
In Country neighbors
Harper 114:568
Path of stars
In Homespun and gold
Harper 123:598
In Howells, W. D., and others. Whole family Ch 11
Pilgrim chamber
In County road
Atlan 96:188
Play house
In Country neighbors
Harper 112:662
Poetess in spring
In Country neighbors
Harper 118:940
Praying Sally
In Harper 138:310
Preaching peony
In Harper 135:73
Prince's ball
In Harper 132:403
Private soldier
In Vanishing points
Atlan 103:308
In Harper 139:279
Queens of Arcady
In Vanishing points
Scrib M 50:214
Quest of a cup
In Atlan 68:361
Question of wills
In Homespun and gold
Harper 127:538
In Delin 74:407
Red poppies
In Homespun and gold
Delin 74:144
Return of father
In Homespun and gold
Harp B 42:1045
Return of Martha
In Harper 131:429
Righteous bargain
In Maedow-grass
Rosamund in heaven
In High noon
Rose brocade
In Harp B 43:1184
Rose of hope
In Rose of hope
Rosy balm
In County road
Harp 111:947