Page:Index to St. Nicholas- Volumes I-XLV, 1873–1918 (Wilson, 1920) (IA stnicholasserial1451dodg).pdf/146

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Index to St. Nicholas
Eastman, Charles Alexander (Obiyesa)
Language of footprints. 44:267-9 Ja ’17
Recollections of the wild life. 21:120-31, 226-8, 306-8, 437-40, 513-15, 607-11 D ’93 My ’94
Over the border. H. Hawthorne, il 39:283 5 Ja ’12
Eastman, Elaine Goodale
Little Brother o’ Dreams. 35:114-21 D ’07
Poems by two little American girls. 5:109-110 D ’77
Eastwood, J. R.
Shortening the baby; verse. 14:576-7 Je ’87
Appetites of famous people. E. H, House. il 26:485-90 Ap ’99
History of forks D. M. Morrell, 33:350-1
How to use a pair of chopsticks. E. R. Scidmore il 17:535-7 Ap ’90
See also Cookery; Dinners and dining; Food


Little girl who wouldn’t eat crusts; poem. M. M. Dodge, il 1:117 Ja ’74
Eaton, Arthur Wentworth
Children of the sun; verse. 13:770 Ag '86
Eaton, J. Giles
“Prince” in the battle of Santiago. 26:452-60 Ap ’99
Eaton, Mabel Leta
When all the world is new; poem. 27:709 Je ’00
Eaton, Walter Prichard
Cherry ripe; verse. il 35:813 Jl ’08
Sap song. 35:434 Mr ’08
Eaves, the flowers, and the swallows; story. E. Burt. 6:110-11 D ’78
Eavesdropper: verse, A. M, Pratt il 15:822 S ’88
Eavesdroppers. 24:82-3 N ‘96


Echoes. J. P, B. 2:705 S ’75
Invitation to Echo. E. M. Thomas. il 4:722-3 Ag ’87
My echo. F. Fawcett. il 13:108-9 D ’85


Old Pipes and the Dryad. F. R. Stockton. il 12:561 8 Je ’85
Eckerson, Margaret H.
Jottings versus doings. 6:278-82 F ’79
Eckford, Henry
Wonders of the alphabet, 13:375-9, 460-3, 538-9, 621-3, 677-9, 771-4, 854-6, 925-7 Mr-O ’86
Eclipse of the moon; verse. C: L. Benjamin. il 25:333 F ’98
Ten weeks in Japan. M. L. Todd. il 16:106-20 D ’88
See also Transits
Ēcouon, France
Ēdouard Frère and his child pictures. L. W. Champney, il 11:125-34 D ’83
Eddy, Alice Maude
Little Britomartis, 12:499-500 My ‘85
My St. George. 5:720-30 S ’78
Eddy, Wiliam A.
Camera in mid-air. 27:725-8 Je ’00
Reaching a great height with kites. 19:464-6 Ap ’92
Edgar’s sissy job that paid; story. L. J. Strong. il 32:894-7 Ag ‘05
Edgerly, Katharine L.
Captain Rabbit, 42:376-9 F ’15
Naughty little rabbit. 40:1120-1 O ’13
Nicest place in the world. 40:554-5
Edholm, Charlton Lawrence
Automobile as a plow horse. 41:845 Jl ’14
Bind monument. 42:366-7 F ’15
Camera hunting-cruise. 44:74-6 N ’16
Circus farm, 45:162-3. Mr ’18
How fire sets horses free. 44:74-6 Ag ‘17
Motor-cycle life-guards. 45:848-50 Jl ’18
Pet from the Pacific. 45:848-50 My ’18
School-boys plan a concrete building. 44:1138-9 O ’17
School in a railway car. 44:1138 O ’17
Strawberry pyramid. 44:748 Je ‘17
Thousand-dollar parrot. 41:l042 S ’14
Edholm, L. M.
Barning mine of Pennsylvania. 44:557 Ap ’17
Japanese volcano in eruption, 42:1134-5 O ’15
Mountain sculpture. 41:845-6 Jl ’14
San Francisco’s giant windmill. 45:653 My ‘18
Edifying tale of Prince Pompon and the high and mighty apples; verse. O. Herford. il 45:53 N ’17
Edison, Thomas Alva
Boyhood of Edison. L. R. McCabe. il 20:761-6 Ag ’93
Edison as a boy; portrait. 20.722 Ag ’93
Edison teleseribe. R. H. Moulton. il 42:939 Ag ’15
How a big fire gave Edison a valuable idea, J. Anderson, il 43:269-70 Ja ’16
Edith of Scotland: the irl of the Norman abbey. E. S. Brooks. il 14:28-32 N ’86
Editha’s burglar; story. F. H. Burnett. il 7:326-32 F ’80
Edith’s sister; verse. A. Thorn, il 43:607 My ’16
Edith’s_tea-party; story. L. Walters. il 34:1127-8 O ’07
Educated angleworm. W. Arnold, 42:739 Je ’15
Special message to American young folk. 44:1065-7 O ’97
See also Books and reading; Colleges and universities; Indians of America—Education; Industrial education, Kindergarten; Libraries; Manual training;