Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/13

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Brown, F. D.continued.

Brown, R.

Andreœa, N.Z. Species of the Genus; with Descriptions of New Species, 25, 276.
Composite Plant, New: Glossogyne (?) hennedyi, 15, 259.
Mosses of N.Z.: Genus Grimmia, 27, 409.
Mosses of N.Z.: Genus Orthotrichum, 27, 422.
Mosses of N.Z.: Genus Pottia, 26, 288.
Mosses, Proposed New Genus of N.Z.; with Description of Three New Species, 25, 285.
Musci of Calcareous Districts of N.Z., 35, 323.
Musci of N.Z., Notes on, 31, 437; 32, 137; 33, 330.
Musci of N.Z., Notes on, and Descriptions of New Species, 29, 465; 30, 412; 31, 442.
Musci of N.Z., Notes on: On a Proposed New Genus—Stirtonia, 32, 149.
Musci of N.Z.: Notes on New Genus Dendia, 30, 411.
Musci of N.Z.: Notes on New Genus Tetracocinodon, 28, 531.
Musci of N.Z.: Notes on New Species of Moss belonging to the Genus Seligera—S. cardotii, 30, 398.
Musci of N.Z., Notes on some Species of: Genus Phascum, 26, 302.
Musci of N.Z.: Notes on the Genus Dicranum, with Description of New Species, including some Doubtful Species of Blindia, 29, 451.
Musci: Notes on the Genus Gymnostomum, with Descriptions of New Species, 26, 296.
Musci of N.Z.: Notes on the Genus Streptopogon, with Description of a New Species—S. hookerii, 30, 409.
Musci of N.Z.: Notes on the Genus Tortula, with Descriptions of New Species, 30, 399.
Musci of N.Z.: Notes on the Genus Trichostomum, with Descriptions of some New Species, 29, 478.
Rosaceous Plant, New: Acæna huttoni, 16, 382.

Brown, W. R. E.

Browne, R.

Browning, K.

Bruce, R. C.

Buchanan, J.

Alpine Flora of N.Z., 14, 342.
Botanical Notes: Loranthus fieldii, Bolbophyllum exiguum, Calochilus paludosus, and Dendrobium biflorum, 16, 397.
Botanical Notes: Melicope parvula, Ranunculus tenuis, and Notothlaspi hookeri, 20, 255.
Botany of Kawau Island: Physical Features and Causes influencing Distribution of Species, 9, 503.
Botany of Otago, Sketch of, 1, Pt. iii, 22 [2nd ed., 181].
Campbell Island and its Flora, 16, 398.
Celmisia, New Species of: C. cordatifolia, 11, 427.
Cyttaria purdiei, 18, 317.
Erigeron, New Species of: E. novæ-zealandiæ, 17, 287.
Flora of N.Z., Additions to, 15, 339.
Flora of Wellington Province, 6, 210.
Flowering-plants and Ferns of Chatham Islands, 7, 333.
Gnaphalium (Helichrysum) fasciculatum, 9, 529.
Hemitelia smithii, Remarkable Branching Specimen of, 19, 217.
Marattia fraxinea, Rootstock of, 9, 527.
Matai Timber, Durability of, 9, 182.
Panax, Revised Description of Two Species of N.Z.: P. crassifolium and P. longissimum, 9, 529.
Plants found on Miramar Peninsula, Wellington, 5, 349.
Plants New to N.Z., and Description of a New Species, 14, 356.
Plants of N.Z., 12, 380.
Plants of N.Z., New Species and Varieties of, 2, 88; 3, 208; 4, 224; 6, 241; 16, 394; 19, 213.
Senecio, New Species of: S. hectori, 5, 348.
Sheep, Pseudo-scab and Lung-worm in, 14, 269.
Teredo, Charring Timber as a Protection from, 9, 183.
Timber, A Means for selecting the Most Durable, 10, 190.
Timber, Durability of N.Z., with Suggestions for its Preservation, 6, 390.
Wanganui Beds (Upper Tertiary), 2, 163.

Buchanan, J., and Kirk, T.

Buchanan, W.

Bull, F.

Buller, A. P.

Buller, P.

Buller, W. L.