Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/37

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Maskell, W. M.continued.

Coccidæ, 11, 187; 12, 291; 14, 215; 16, 120; 17, 20; 19, 45; 22, 133; 23, 1; 24, 1; 25, 201; 26, 65; 27, 36; 28, 380; 29, 293; 30, 219.
Coccidæ, "Honeydew" of, and the Fungus accompanying these Insects, 19, 41.
Coccidæ reported from Australasia and the Pacific Islands up to December, 1894, Synoptical List of, 27, 1.
Desmidieæ, Contributions towards a List of the N.Z., 13. 207.
Desmidieæ of N.Z., 21, 3.
Desmidieæ of N.Z.: Additions to Catalogue and Notes on various Species, 15, 237.
Desmid, New Variety of: Triploceras tridentatum, Maskell, var. superbum, 18, 325.
Diapria coccophaga, a Hymenopterous Insect parasitic on Coccidæ, 11, 228.
Earthquake of 1st September, 1888, and its Bearing on the Architecture of Wellington, 21, 492.
Gall-producing Insects in N.Z., 21, 253.
Generation in Insects, Extraordinary Discovery regarding, 20, 444.
Henops brunneus, 20, 106.
Infusoria, Fresh-water, of Wellington District, 19, 40; 20, 3.
Insect Pests, Chapter in the History of the Warfare against, 27, 282.
Mites parasitic on Beetles and Woodlice, 25, 199.
Parasite of the Penguin: Ixodes eudyptidis, 17, 19.
Presidential Address to Wellington Philosophical Society, 1888, 21, 483.
Psyllidæ in N.Z., Some Species of, 22, 157.
Tick Parasites of the Kiwi, 29, 290.
Vegetable Caterpillar (so called) and other Fungi that attack Insects, 27, 665.

Mason, T.

Massee, G.

Maxwell, C. F.

Maxwell, J. P.

Meeson, J. T.

Meinertzhagen, F. H.

Melland, E.

Menzies, J.

Mestayer, M. K., and Iredale, T.

Meyrick, E.

Miers, E. J.

Mokomoko, Mereana.

Mollet, T. A.

Monro, D.

Moresby, Captain.

Morris, E. E.

Morrison, Miss.

Morton, J.

Mueller, F. von.

Mueller, K.