Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/42

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Robertson, P. W.continued.

Robertson, P. W., and Easterfield, T. H.

Robson, C. H.

Robson, C. W.

Rochfort, J.

Rolston, Dr., and Edwin, Lieut.

Ross, A. H.

Rothschild, W.

Rowe, T. W.

Rutherford, E.

Rutherfurd, A. J.

Rutland, J.


St. John, J. H. H.

Salmon, E. S.

Sandager, F. S.

Schaw, H.

Antarctic Research, 28, 62.
Atmosphere, Further Light on the Circulation of the, in the Southern Hemisphere, 31, 570.
Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere, Facts discovered in his Investigations of the Motions of the, 33, 376.
Cyclones, Interaction of, upon one another, 31, 567.
Earth's Atmosphere, Vertical Component of the Motions of the, 30, 465.
Glacial Epoch, The Last: explained by Major-General Drayson's Discovery of the Second Rotation of the Earth, 27, 513.
Presidential Address to Wellington Philosophical Society, 1893, 26, 635.
Rainbows caused by Reflection in Still Water, and on Elliptically Generated Rainbows, 25, 450.
Reflection of Light, Some Peculiar Cases of the, 27, 535.
Skeleton of Building revealed by Dew, 26, 544.
Spiders, Notes on, 26, 107.
Storms of 30th January and 16th April, 1897, Histories of the, 30, 477.
Triple Bows, Remarkable Appearance of Two, seen at Invercargill, 26, 545.
Weather-charts, Australasian, and N.Z. Storms, 29, 61.
Weather Prognostic, A Wellington, 28, 71.

Schwarzbach, B.

Scott, J. H.

Scott, R. J.

Segar, H. W.