Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/54

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Ancient Alphabets in Polynesia (E. Tregear), 20, 353.
Aryo-Semitic Maori (A. S. Atkinson), 19, 552.
Aryo-Semitic Maori: Reply to A. S. Atkinson (E. Tregear), 20, 400.
Barata Numerals (J. T. Thomson), 5, 131.
Barat or Barata Fossil Words (J. T. Thomson), 11, 157; 12, 223.
Bird Moa and its Aliases (T. White), 27, 262.
Celtic Origin of the English Vowel Sounds (C. J. Abraham), 1, 125 [2nd ed., 73].
Ceremonial Language (E. Tregear), 27, 593.
"Dierectus," Etymology of the Word, in Plautus (F. W. Haslam), 20, 429.
Horse, The: a Study in Philology (T. White), 35, 211.
Hypnotism, A Phase of (E. Tregear), 29, 83.
Kerns and Serifs (R. C. Harding), 29, 95.
Latin Place-names (H. Belcher), 19, 507.
Latin, The Middle Voice in (H. Belcher), 22, 1.
Maori and Indo-European Languages, Analogy between (E. Fairburn), 3, 313.
Maori Language, with Remarks on the Reform of English Spelling (J. C. Crawford), 18, 46.
Maori Nomenclature (T. H. Smith), 25, 395.
Maori Numeration (E. Best), 39, 150.
Moa and Toa—the Bird and the Tree (T. White), 32, 344.
"Moa": Notes on the Word "Moa "in the Poetry of the New-Zealanders (J. W. Stack), 7, App. xxviii.
Name for a Spider, A (E. Tregear), 32, 298.
Names of Places, their Origin and Meaning (J. Bates), 13, 440.
Native Names for Places (T. White), 32, 347.
Oceanic Languages, Comparison of (C E. Fox), 39, 464.
Orthography of Maori Language (J. C. Crawford), 1, 40 [2nd ed., 444].
Philological Study in Natural History, A (T. White), 34, 135.
Polynesian Words, Curious (E. Tregear), 23, 531.
Track of a Word: the Maori Noun Mata (E. Tregear), 19, 482.
Whence of the Maori, Philological Considerations on the (J. T. Thomson), 6, App. xxv.


Abrotanella, Remarks on the Genus; with Descriptions of New Species (T. Kirk), 24, 418.
Acæna huttoni, a New Rosaceous Plant (R. Brown), 16, 382.
Acianthus and Cyrtostylis, Fertilisation of (T. F. Cheeseman), 7, 349.
Additions to Flora of N.Z. (J. Buchanan), 15, 339.
Additions to the Flora of N.Z. (T. F. Cheeseman), 14, 299; 15, 298; 16, 409; 24, 409; 28, 534; 33, 312.
Algæ, Chatham Islands (F. von Mueller), 6, 208.
Algæ, Chatham Islands (J. Agardh), 3, 213; 6, 208.
Algæ, Classification of (R. M. Laing), 18, 299.
Algæ, Fresh-water, collected in Dunedin District during the Summers of 1896–97 (J. S. Tennant), 31, 748.
Algæ of N.Z., Fresh-water (W. I. Spencer), 14, 287; 15, 302.
Algæ of N.Z.: their Characteristics and Distribution (R. M. Laing), 27, 297.
Alisma plantago found in N.Z. (W. Colenso), 27, 401.
Aloe and Prickly Pear, Two Peculiar Introduced and Naturalised Plants of South America (W. Colenso), 26, 323.
Alpine Flora of N.Z. (J. Buchanan), 14, 342.
Ammophila arundinacea and Elymus arenarius, Directions for Raising and Spreading (J. C. Crawford), 5, 111.
Amphibromus, Discovery in N.Z. of; with Description of a New Species—A. fluitans (T. Kirk), 16, 374.
Ancient Relations between N.Z. and South America (H. von Jhering), 24, 431.
"Ancient Relations between N.Z. and South America": Remarks on Dr. von Jhering's Paper (K. Mueller), 25, 428.
Andreæa, N.Z. Species of the Genus; with Descriptions of New Species (R. Brown), 25, 276.
Antipodes Island, Botany of (T. Kirk), 23, 436.
Aralia lyallii (T. Kirk), 17, 293.
Aseroe rubra (W. L. Buller), 25, 302.
Ashburton, Plants naturalised in the County of (W. W. Smith), 36, 203.
Asplenium japonicum, a Fern new to the N.Z. Flora, Discovery of (T. F. Cheeseman), 22, 448.
Asplenium umbrosum, Remarkable Variety of (T. Kirk), 23, 424.
Asteliads, N.Z., with Descriptions of New Species (T. Kirk), 4, 241.
Astelia, Veronica, and Celmisia, New Species of (L. Cockayne), 31, 419.
Atropis and Triodia: Occurrence in N.Z., and Descriptions of New Species (T. Kirk), 14, 378.
Auckland District, Naturalised Plants of (T. F. Cheeseman), 15, 268.
Auckland Isthmus and Takapuna District, Flora of (T. Kirk), 4, 228.
Auckland, North of: Plants observed during a Visit (T. Kirk), 1, 140 [2nd ed., 84].
Auckland Province, Botany of Northern Part of (T. Kirk), 3, 166.
Auckland Province, Plants found in Northern District of (J. Buchanan and T. Kirk), 2, 239.
Australian Plants, Finding of Two Hitherto-unnoticed: Erythræa australis and Alisma plantago (W. Colenso), 27, 401.