Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/62

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Veronica, Astelia, and Celmisia, New Species of (L. Cockayne), 31, 419.
Veronica. A New Species of: V. astoni (D. Petrie), 40, 288.
Veronica macroura, Cook Strait Habitat of (L. Cockayne), 39, 301.
Veronica, Synopsis of the N.Z. Species of (J. B. Armstrong), 13, 344.
Veronica, Two New Species of: V. odorata and V. canescens (T. Kirk), 9, 502.
Veronicas, Notes on certain, and Descriptions of New Species (T. Kirk), 28, 515.
Vine-growing in Hawke's Bay (Rev. Father Yardin), 23, 528.
Viola, Cleistogamic Flowers of the Genus (G. M. Thomson), 11, 415.
Viscum clavatum, a New Mistletoe (T. Kirk), 24, 429.
Vitex lucens, Pollination of (D. Petrie), 37, 409.
Waikato District, Botany of certain Places in (T. Kirk), 3, 142.
Waimakariri River Basin, Plant Geography of the, considered chiefly from an Œcological Point of View (L. Cockayne), 32, 95.
Waimakariri, Upper, New or Remarkable Plants from (T. Kirk), 27, 349.
Wangapeka Valley, Nelson, Botanical Notes on the (R. I. Kingsley), 30, 442.
Wellington Province, Flora of (J. Buchanan), 6, 210.
Westport District, Vegetation of (W. Townson), 39, 380.
Xanthium strumarium, Occurrence in N.Z. of (T. W. Kirk), 26, 310.
Zannichellia and Lepilæna in N.Z. (T. Kirk), 28, 498.
Zostera nana, Roth. var. muelleri: Occurrence in N.Z. (T. Kirk), 10, 392.


Absorption of Alkaloids bv Aluminous Silicates (W. Skey), 5, 375.
Absorption of Antimony and Arsenic from a Solution of their Oxides (W. Skey), 8, 337.
Agricultural Chemistry (J. Lowe), 1, 63 [2nd ed., 470].
Alkalies, Solubility of, in Ether (W. Skey), 8, 338.
Alkalinity of Carbonate of Lime (W. Skey), 2, 150; 4, 323.
Alkalinity or Acidity of certain Salts and Minerals (W. Skey), 4, 325.
Alkaloids, Detection and Estimation of, by means of their Double Sulphocyanides (P. W. Robertson), 38, 51.
Alkaloids from Fixed Oils by Aniline Process, Production of (W. Skey), 11, 471.
Antifebrine, Some New Compounds of a Similar Nature to (P. W. Robertson), 38, 45.
Argentic Oxide, Decomposition of, by Mercury (W. Skey), 12, 414.
Argentic Sulphide, Electric and Chemical Deportment of (W. Skey), 8, 345.
Argentiferous Salts which are affected by Light, Results obtained upon (W. Skey), 12, 401.
Association of Grains of Gold with Native Copper (W. Skey), 20, 454.
Auriferous Alloys, Mode of producing, by Wet Processes (W. Skey), 5, 370.
Barium, Production of a Mono-hydrate of Chloride of (W. Skey), 3, 220.
Border-segregation in some Igneous Magmas, Cause of (J. Park), 37, 486.
Brachyglottis repanda and B. rangiora, Search for Poisonous Principle of (W. Skey), 14, 400.
Bromine Method of estimating Sulphur in Gaseous Compounds (W. P. Evans), 29, 573.
Bunsen Burner, Improved Adjustable Drip-proof (W. P. Evans), 30, 497.
Calcic Carbonate, Solubility of, in Alkaline Chlorides (W. Skey), 10, 449.
Camphor, Cause of the Deposition of towards, Light (W. Skey), 12, 411.
Camphor on Water, Movements of (W. Skey), 11, 473; 12, 403.
Chemistry of the N.Z. Flora, Studies on the (T. H. Easterfield and B. C. Aston)—
Karaka-nut, 34, 495.
Rimu-resin, 36, 483.
Tutu Plant, 33, 345.
Chromes, Artificial: Preparation for Ornamental Purposes (W. Skey), 21, 359.
Citric Acid from Limes grown in Auckland and Tahiti, Percentage of (J. A. Pond), 14, 405.
Citric and Sulphuric Acids, Interaction of (J. Bee), 36, 486.
Coal, Blackball, Distillation Products of (W. P. Evans), 30, 487; 31, 556.
Coals, Analyses (Technical), 31, 564.
Coal, Technical Analysis of, and Coal-testing (A. M. Wright), 38, 42.
Colophony, Chemistry of (T. H. Easterfield and G. Bagley), 35, 476.
Contact Metamorphism at the New Brockley Coal-mine, Malvern Hills (W. P. Evans), 31, 557.
Copper, Absorption of, from its Ammoniacal Solution (W. Skey), 4, 332.
Coprosma grandiflora, Examination of the Bark of, for Alkaloids (W. Skey), 2, 152.
Crystalline Phosphates and Arseniates, Production of certain (W. Skey), 2, 146.
Cyanide Process, Treatment of Partially Decomposed Pyritic Tailings by (H. P. Shepherd), 38, 558.
Cyanide-solutions, Rapid Action of Strong, on Gold superficially (W. Skey), 30, 512.
Cyanide-solutions, Regeneration of (G. Doveton), 36, 481.
Cyaniding Gold, Liberation of Hydrogen in a certain Variation of the Apparatus used for (W. Skey), 30, 510.
Cyanogen, Analog of, to Oxygen (W. Skey), 7, 379.