Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/73

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Tides, Currents, and the Moon (W. Buchanan), 30, 79.
Worlds and Systems, Genesis of (A. W. Bickerton), 12, 187.
Zodiacal Light (J. S. Webb), 5, App. xlvii.
Zodiacal Light as seen in Southern Latitudes (H. Skey), 7, 150.
Zodiacal Light: its Connection with the Sun's Motion in Space (H. Skey), 5, App. xliii.
Central Forces (R. Wilding), 3, Proc. 101.
Circular Motion, Fallacies in the Theory of (T. Wakelin), 14, 134.
Conductivity of certain Substances hitherto supposed to be non-conducting for Voltaic Electricity (W. Skey), 29, 581.
Gravitational Experiments (T. Wakelin), 17, 407.
Gravitation, An Objection to Le Sage's Theory of (C. C. Farr), 30, 118.
Gravitation, Cause of (T. Wakelin), 13, 122.
Gravitation, Probable Discovery of the Physical Causation of (T. Wakelin), 20, 452.
Haast Wreck and Ocean-currents (T. Turnbull, Harbourmaster, Westland), 8, 446 [See also 7, 146.]
Kauri-gum, Physical Properties of (J. S. S. Cooper), 36, 490.
Light and Sound, Analogy between: Are they Convertible? (A. Wilson), 25, 510.
Light, An Experiment bearing on the Wave Theory of (J. S. S. Cooper), 36, 487.
Luminosity of Flames (F. D. Brown), 19, 603.
Magnetism and Electricity—
Electricity, Conduction of (J. Duigan), 3, 324.
Electricity, Earth of N.Z. a Bad Conductor of (F. E. Wright), 2, 226.
Lightning, A Flash of (P. Walsh), 37, 580.
Magnetic Dip (F. W. Hutton), 11, 558.
Magnetic Force Parallel to the Axis in the Interior of Solenoids (C. C. Farr), 30, 121.
Magnetic Needle, Declination of (A. H. Ross), 6, 3.
Magnetic Screening produced by Different Metals, Comparisons of the (J. A. Erskine), 28, 178.
Magnetic Viscosity (E. Rutherford), 28, 182.
Magnetization of Iron by High-frequency Discharges (E. Rutherford), 27, 481.
Screening of Electro-motive Force in the Fields produced by Leyden-jar Discharges (J. A. Erskine), 30, 459; Corrigenda, 31, facing p. 4.
Ships' Compasses: Deviations in Iron Steam-vessels (A. H. Ross), 6, 10.
Ships' Compasses, Influence of Change of Latitude on (R. A. Edwin), 5, 128.
Terrestrial Magnetism (R. Hart), 22, 129.
Anemometry (C. R. Marten), 9, 293.
Atmosphere, Further Light on the Circulation of the, in the Southern Hemisphere (H. Schaw), 31, 570.
Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere, Facts discovered in his Investigations of the Motions of the (H. Schaw), 33, 376.
Atmospheric Changes, Influence of, on the Hot Springs and Geysers at Rotorua (G. Mair), 9, 27.
Atmospheric Pressure: Local Variations dependent on Strength of Winds (J. S. Webb), 5, 106.
Atmospheric Pressure of N.Z. and Great Britain (C. R. Marten), 9, 212.
Aurora Australis observed at Karori on the 20th August, 1894 (G. V. Hudson), 27, 657.
Aurora in the Southern Hemisphere (H. Skey), 35, 405.
Climate and Rainfall, Influence of Forests on (F. S. Peppercorne), 12, 24.
Cyclones, Interaction of, upon one another (H. Schaw), 31, 567.
Earth's Atmosphere, Periodic Vertical Oscillations in the, and the Connection existing between the Fluctuations of Pressure, as indicated by the Barometer, and Changes in the Weather (H. Skey), 3, 306.
Earth's Atmosphere, Vertical Component of the Motions of the (H. Schaw), 30, 465.
Fiji, Meteorology of (R. L. Holmes), 7, xxx; 1877 10, xxvi.
Floods of February, 1868 (W. T. L. Travers), 14, 76.
Fog in Wellington on the Morning of the 19th June, 1900, Note on (H. N. McLeod), 33, 380.
Hot Winds of Canterbury (A. McKay), 7, 105.
Hot Winds of Canterbury and Hawke's Bay (T. H. Cockburn-Hood), 7, 107.
Meteorology of N.Z.: On the Routes of High and Low Pressures, and the Changes of Pressure and Wind-movement resulting from them (R. A. Edwin), 37, 555.
Moon and the Weather (J. S. Webb), 3, 62.
Prevalent Wind of Kaikoura (J. S. Gunn), 40, 572.
Rainfall of N.Z. (J. T. Meeson), 23, 546.
Rain-gauge, A Simple Form of (W. L. Williams), 4, 392.
Red Sunsets (W. Ringwood), 17, 386.
Shadow Pictures (T. White), 22, 108.
Skeleton of a Building revealed by Dew (H. Schaw), 26, 544.
Solar and Terrestrial Radiation (C. R. Marten), 6, 391.
Storms of 30th January and 16th April, 1897, Histories of the (H. Schaw), 30, 477.
Sun-glows, and the Theories that have been advanced to account for them (J. T. Meeson), 15, 357.
Warmer Climate in High Northern Latitudes during Former Geological Periods, Cause of (W. T. L. Travers), 10, 459, 470.
Waterspout in Cook Strait, 15th July, 1882 (J. W. A. Marchant), 15, 525.
Weather-charts, Australasian, and N.Z. Storms (H. Schaw), 29, 61.