Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 41to51.djvu/21

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Uttley, G. H., and Marshall, P.

Localities for Fossils near Oamaru, 45, 297; 46, 279.


Vaughan, T. W.

Corals from Kermadec Islands, 49, 275.

Vaughan. See also Gwynne-Vaughan, D. T.


Waite, E. R.

Fish Fauna of Kermadec Islands, Additions to, 44, Proc. I, 28.
Fish Fauna of N.Z., Additions to, 43, Proc. I, 25; Proc. II. 49.
Fishes, Notes on N.Z., 42, 384; 44, 194; 45, 215; 46, 127.
Fishes of Kermadec and Norfolk Islands, and Comparison with those of Lord Howe Island, 42, 370.

Wall, A.

Pronunciation of Scientific Terms, with Special Reference to the Terms of Botany, 51, 409.
Senecio saxifragoides Hook. f. and its Relation to Senecio lagopus Raoul, On Distribution of, 50, 198.

Walsh, Archdeacon.

Effects of the Disappearance of the N.Z. Bush, 43, 436.
Manuaute, or Maori Kite, 45, 375.

Walton, C. L., and Stuckey, F. G. A.

Notes on a Collection of Sea-anemones, 42, 541.

Watt, H. E.

Alkaloids of Senecio latifolius, 42, Proc. III, 89.

Watt, M. N.

Contributions to the Entomology of N.Z.: No. 8, Parectopa citharoda Meyr. (Order Lepidoptera), 48, 407.
Contributions to the Study of N.Z. Entomology from an Economical and Biological Standpoint: No. 1, Phisia chalcites Esp.; No. 2, Nyctemera annulata Boisd.; No. 3, Venusia verriculata Feld. (Lepidoptera), 47, 245.
Melanchra from Mount Egmont: Description of New Species, 48, 413.
Ova of some Lepidoptera of N.Z., 46, 65.

Watt, M. N., and Miller, D.

Contributions to the Study of N.Z. Entomology from an Economical and Biological Standpoint: No. 4, Phorocera nefaria Hutt.; No. 5, Psychoda conspicillata Hudson; No. 6, Syrphus ropalus Walk.; No. 7, Phytomyza albiceps Mg. (Diptera), 47, 274.

Webb, E., and Birks, L.

Investigation into the Resistance of Earth Connections, 48, 464.

Welch, W.

Waterloo of Waikato, fought in 1830, and its Effects on the After-enacted Land Laws of that Part of the North Island, 42, 114.

Westland, C. J.

Southern Variable Stars, 48, 500.

Wild, L. J.

Bluff, N.Z., Geology of, 44, 317.
Lime Requirements of certain Soils, Studies on, 48, 513.
Mechanical Composition of the So-called Loess at Timaru, 51, 286.
Soil Survey of N.Z., On the Proposal for, 49, 476.
Soils of the Wairau Plain, Marlborough, 47, 413.

Wild, L. J., and Anderson, J. G.

Absorption of Lime by Soils: Investigation of the Hutchinson-MacLennan Method of Determining Lime Requirements of Soils, 49, 466.

Wild, L. J., and Others.

Report on Natural Features of Arthur's Pass Tunnel, 51, 422.

Wild, L. J., and Speight, R.

Stratigraphical Relationship of Weka Pass Stone and the Amuri Limestone, 50, 65.

Williams, H. W.

Language of the Chatham Islands, Notes on, 51, 415.
Scientific Study of Maori Names, A Plea for, 45, 354.

Wilson, K.

Footprints of the Moa, 45, 211.

Worth, R. H.

Petrological Notes on Rock Specimens collected in South Victoria Land, 43, 482.

Wright, A. M.

Absorption of Moisture from the Atmosphere by Wools, 42, 218.
Chemical Composition of Meat-extract, 43, 1.
Chemistry of Flesh Foods, 45, 1; 47, 569.
Determination of Milk-fat, Notes on, 47, 572.
Formaldehyde Method for Estimation of Nitrogen in Organic Substances, 42, 224.
Nitrogenous Constituents of Meat-extracts, On certain Changes in the Composition of, 43, 7.
Technical Analysis of Sliped Wool, 41, 42.


Young, M. S.

Male Gametophyte of Dacrydimn, 42, Proc. II, 65.
Morphology of the Podocarpineae, 43, Proc. II, 53.