Page:Indian Cookery and Confectionery.djvu/38

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raisins. When the onions are fully fried add the boiled meat and stir continually. When the meat begin to stick to the sides of the pan add the curd and stir till the meat are red. It takes about 15 minutes to make the meat red. Water may be added little by little if necessary. When the meat are red add the rice, washed and dried, and stir for about 2 minutes. Then pour the akhni water in the pan with lemon-juice and the rest of the salt. When the mass is boiled and the juice is dried up pour the rest of the ghee after heating it. Stir, the contents for 2 or 3 minutes and take down the pan.


Required:—Rice 1 seer, egg about 20 in number, potato 1 seer, pure cows' ghee 1/2 powa, ordinary ghee 11/2 powa, salt 3 to 4 tolas, one tablespoonful of milk, saffron 1/4 tola, cloves 1/4 tola, cardamom 1 tola, cinnamon 1 tola, cassia leaves 1/4 tola, turmeric 1/2 chhatak, ginger 1/2 chhatak, coriander seeds 2 tolas, cumin seeds 1/2 tola, pepper 1/2 tola, pistachios 1/2 chhatak, almonds 1 chhatak, raisins 1 chhatak.

Method:—Pulverize half the cloves, cardamoms, turmerics and all the cinnamons, gingers, coriander seeds, cumin seeds and peppers, and boil them with a few cassia leaves and 1 tola of salt in about 4 seers of water. Put the lid on and take down when the water is halved. Strain off the coloured water with a strainer in another pot and throw away the refuse. This is akhni water and keep it covered.