Page:Indian Cookery and Confectionery.djvu/91

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of a few fresh eggs and a little rose water, and mix thoroughly. Heat it on charcoal fire till thick when milk-bread will be ready to be served.

NECK-TIE (Egg with fish).

Boil a few pieces of fresh fish in water mixed with ground turmeric and salt. Remove the bones and rub some boiled and peeled potatoes with the fish. Add salt, powdered pepper and turmeric, juice of ginger and onion, fried pieces of almonds and raisins, and the contents of a few eggs. Also add a little rice-flour, if necessary, and beat thoroughly. Form flat cakes, dip into beaten egg-contents, roll on middlings or powdered biscuit, and fry in plenty of ghee. Serve while hot.


Mix minced onions, green chillies, powdered turmeric, pepper and salt thoroughly with the contents of an egg and pour it on a little hot ghee in a pan. Tilt the pan so that it spreads evenly thick and fry both sides till light brown. Roll it up, press flat and fry till golden brown.


Pour the contents of an egg on hot ghee or oil in a pan so that the yolk falls entire and in the centre. Trim the sides, if necessary, round the yolk. Take it out instead of turning over when the lower side is browned. Serve with ground pepper and salt.