Page:Indian Copyright Act (4th Amendment) 1994.djvu/10

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of 1994]
Copyright (Amendment)
shall, subject to the provisions of section 39, be deemed to have infringed the broadcast reproduction right.’.

Substitution of new section for section 38. 14. For section 38 of the principal Act, the following section shall be substituted, namely:—

Performer’s right.‘38. (1) Where any performer appears or engages in any performance, he shall have a special right to be known as the “performer’s right” in relation to such performance.
(2) The performer’s right shall subsist until twenty-five years from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the performance is made.
(3) During the continuance of a performer’s right in relation to any performance, any person who, without the consent of the performer, does any of the following acts in respect of the performance or any substantial part thereof, namely:—
(a) makes a sound recording or visual recording of the performance; or
(b) reproduces a sound recording or visual recording of the performance, which sound recording or visual recording, was—
(i) made without the performer’s consent; or
(ii) made for purposes different from those for which the performer gave his consent; or
(iii), made for purposes different from those referred to in section 39 from a sound recording or visual recording which was made in accordance with section 39; or
(c) broadcasts the performance except where the broadcast is made from a sound recording or visual recording other than one made in accordance with section 39, or is a re-broadcast by the same broadcasting organisation of an earlier broadcast which did not infringe the performer’s right; or
(d) communicates the performance to the public otherwise than by broadcast, except where such communication to the public is made from a sound recording or a visual recording or a broadcast,
shall, subject to the provisions of section 39, be deemed to have infringed the performer’s right.
(4) Once a performer has consented to the incorporation of his performance in a cinematograph film, the provisions of sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) shall have no further application to such performance.’.