Page:Indian Copyright Act (4th Amendment) 1994.djvu/2

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of 1994]
Copyright (Amendment)
(iv) for clause (f), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:—
‘(f) “cinematograph film” means any work of visual recording on any medium produced through a process from which a moving image may be produced by any means and includes a sound recording accompanying such visual recording and “cinematograph” shall be construed as including any work produced by any process analogous to cinematography including video films;’;
(v) for clause (ff), the following clauses shall be substituted, namely:—
‘(ff) “communication to the public” means making any work available for being seen or heard or otherwise enjoyed by the public directly or by any means of display or diffusion other than by issuing copies of such work regardless of whether any member of the public actually sees, hears or otherwise enjoys the work so made available.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this clause, communication through satellite or cable or any other means of simultaneous communication to more than one household or place of residence including residential rooms of any hotel or hostel shall be deemed to be communication to the public;
(ffa) “composer”, in relation to a musical work, means the person who composes the music regardless of whether he records it in any form of graphical notation;
(ffb) “computer” includes any electronic or similar device having information processing capabilities;
(ffc) “computer programme” means a set of instructions expressed in words, codes, schemes or in any other form, including a machine readable medium, capable of causing a computer to perform a particular task or achieve a particular result;
(ffd) “copyright society” means a society registered under sub-section (3) of section 33;’;
(vi) for clause (m) the following clause shall be substituted, namely:—
‘(m) “infringing copy” means,—
(i) in relation to a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, a reproduction thereof otherwise than in the form of a cinematograph film;
(ii) in relation to a cinematograph film, a copy of the film made on any medium by any means;
(iii) in relation to a sound recording, any other recording embodying the same sound recording, made by any means;
(iv) in relation to a programme or performance in which such a broadcast reproduction right or a performer's right subsists under the provisions of this Act, the sound recording or a cinematograph film of such programme or performance,
if such reproduction, copy or sound recording is made or imported in contravention of the provisions of this Act;’;