Page:Indian Copyright Act (4th Amendment) 1994.djvu/8

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of 1994]
Copyright (Amendment)
Provided that no such society or organisation shall permit any discrimination in regard to the terms of licence or the distribution of fees collected between rights in Indian and other works.
(3) Subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, a copyright society may:—
(i) issue licences under section 30 in respect of anyrights under this Act;
(ii) collect fees in pursuance of such licences;
(iii) distribute such fees among owners of rights after making deductions for its own expenses;
(iv) perform any other functions consistent with the provisions of section 35.
Payment of remunerations by copyright society.34A. (1) If the Central Government is of the opinion that a copyright society for a class of work is generally administering the rights of the owners of rights in such work throughout India, it shall appoint that society for the purposes of this section.
(2) The copyright society shall, subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, frame a scheme for determining the quantum of remuneration payable to individual copyright owners having regard to the number of copies of the work in circulation:
Provided that such scheme shall restrict payment to the owners of rights whose works have attained a level of circulation which the copyright society considers reasonable.
Control over the copyright society by the owner of rights.35. (1) Every copyright society shall be subject to the collective control of the owners of rights under this Act whose rights it administers (not being owners of rights under this Act administered by a foreign society or organisation referred to in sub-section (2) of section 34) and shall, in such manner as may be prescribed,—
(a) obtain the approval of such owners of rights for its procedures of collection and distribution of fees;
(b) obtain their approval for the utilisation of any amounts collected as fees for any purpose other than distribution to the owner of rights; and
(c) provide to such owners regular, full and detailed information concerning all its activities, in relation to the administration of their rights.
(2) All fees distributed among the owners of rights shall, as far as may be, be distributed in proportion to the actual use of their works.
Submission of returns and reports.36. (1) Every copyright society shall submit to the Registrar of Copyrights such returns as may be prescribed.
(2) Any officer duly authorised by the Central Government in this behalf may call for any report and also call for any records of