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of 1957]
(ii) in the case of a work of sculpture or an architectural work of art, the issue of photographs and engravings of such work.

4. Except in relation to infringement of copyright, a work shall When work not deemed to be published or performed in public.not be deemed to be published or performed in public, if published, or performed in public, without the licence of the owner of the copyright.

5. For the purposes of this Act, a work published in India shall When work deemed to be first published in deemed to be first published in India, notwithstanding that it has been published simultaneously in some other country, unless such other country provides a shorter term of copyright for such work; and a work shall be deemed to be published simultaneously in India and in another country if the time between the publication in India and the publication in such other country does not exceed thirty days or such other period as the Central Government may, in relation to any specified country, determine.

6. If any question arises,—Certain disputes to be decided by Copyright Board.

(a) whether for the purposes of section 3, copies of any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, or records are issued to the public in sufficient quantities; or
(b) whether for the purposes of section 5, the term of copyright for any work is shorter in any other country than that provided in respect of that work under this Act;

it shall be referred to the Copyright Board constituted under section 11 whose decision thereon shall be final.

7. Where, in the case of an unpublished work, the making of the Nationality of author where making of unpublished work is extended over considerable is extended over a considerable period, the author of the work shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to be a citizen of, or domiciled in, that country of which he was a citizen or wherein he was domiciled during any substantial part of that period.

8. For the purposes of this Act, a body corporate shall be deemed Domicile of be domiciled in India if it is incorporated under any law in force in India.


Copyright Office and Copyright Board

9. (1) There shall be established for the purposes of this Act an Copyright to be called the Copyright Office.

(2) The Copyright Office shall be under the immediate control of

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