Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/108

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96 H. $. J'EVO1V$ at the Previous Examination and in that of the remaining three papers in the Final Examination :- No. 1.--Theory, Scope and Method of Political Economy. No. ?.--Socialism, Trades Unions, Feetory System, Trusts, Co-operation. No. $.--Monoy, Foreign Exchanges, International Trade. Nos. 4 and 5.--On 'Indian Economies. No. 6.--Essay on an Economic subject. Students are recommended to visit, under competent guidance, a large mill driven by power, an engineering yard or workshop, also two villages, in the first of which a co-operative Or,lit Society exists, while in the second there is no such Society. The assessment statements of those vill?es must also be studied on the spot (copies of essessmont statements mm always be had ?t the offlee of the Collector Of the district). The first point to observe is that the choice is given o! taMng at the examination ending the first session of M.A. studies a?o three of the six papers. This practice, adopted to allow colleges to teach subjects in alternate years, is in itself exceedingly bad, for. it means that the subject matter of each paper is studied without relation to that o! other papers. For example, it would be possible for students to complete their studies on Indian Economics, or on International trade, before they began econom,ic theory; although, whenever possible, colleges arrange to repeat the general course (Paper I) each session. little of the examination to it out of six. to a mere conditions, Again, economic students' time and only theory occupies too attention; for in the two-thirds of one paper is devoted Thus Indian economics is degraded descriptive study assuming but little of existing economic more knowledge of theory than is necessary to pass the B.A. Frether criti- cisms which may course are that economic history sad that no sort of practical justly be levelled at the existing the very important subjects of and statistics are totally omitted, study, suoh as definite