Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/135

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GORNNT PUBLICATIONS .R?view of "The Tra? of Ind? " i? 1915-16. D?nT?T O? Sr?r?sr?cs, I?o?. Csleut?: 8u?rin?ndent of Government Proting. 1916. pp. ?, 11?, ?. Price ,4s. 1?. The ?view of Tr?e my ? r?srd? ss the premier publi?tion of the Dir?Wr of 8?tisties. It is s ?in?iugly iu?resting survey of the inlznd snd foreign eomme?e of the Indisn Empire during the fin?eisl yesr. It is slwsys ?mpil?' with ?t ?re so that sn extr?r?sry smount of informs- tion s? ?1 the most impotent trsde s?isties are eonden?d with? s ?nvenient eom?ss. Whether the r?der ? ?rested ? the eou? of trsde ? s whole or in the progress of sny ?tieu?r eomm?ity, ? the b?snee of trade ?d im?rts ot tr?ure, or iu eusWms, shipping snd ?eights, he will find in this volme much el?rly s?ted ?fomstion on the subj?t of enqu?y. In the first ehspter we find s smwey of the genersl ehsr- ?r?ties of the y?, in which the following subj?ts sre d?lt with: the to? ?-?rne tr?e, with distinction made ?tw?n privs? merehsndi? snd thst ship?d on Governmen? ?ount; the eff?ts of the wsr on forei? ?mme?e; the im?rts ?d exerts of Indisn mereh?di?, with s ?r?sph on m-exerts, follow? by s ?tion on 6overnment stores. Thee follows an internting and im?rtsn? ?tion which de?ls ?th the y?'s im?rts ?d es?rts of gold ?d silver, ?h eo? ?d b?lion, followed by s brief no?e on the ?l?n? o[ ?r?e which shows s l?gely iuer?? b?? in fsvor of Ind? ? ?m? with the pre?ous y?r. In the next ?ion the e?? in the volume of trsde is e?ibited by e?eulsting the ?ue of the to?l t?e on the b?is of the pri?s prevailing in She previous y?r. Wh?s? there is s dist?et d?line in

e ??cdsted vslue, i.z., vol?e, of im?rts, there was s 

m?k? iner? ? the r?le?? v?ue of exerts. T? ne? r?t is W show s shr?k?e of the to?l volume of fore?n trsde by 1'? ?r ?nt. Combing the ?tu?ly r?ord? vslues of 191?-16 ?h the r?leuls?d v?ues, we ?d ths? the sversge rim of p?s wss 4 ?r ?nt. Ths first ehsp?r ?n&udes ?th s ?tion on whole?le prices in Ind? in 191?-16, in which She ?dex nm?rs of grou? of eomm?itiss sre quo?d, whilst ?here is ? s no? on e?ges of w?es. Iu She ?nd ?p?r ?he tr?e with s??l ?uutriss is d?t ?th ? a eom?rstive m?ner ?d ?1or? charts ar?