Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/206

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The numl?r of K?bjed?rs (landholders) entered against each ?urvey number represents the number of separate plots into ?-hich the land is divided. The same land in several survey numbers, so that of owners is less, being about 50. In ever, the fragmentation is even greater than the figures in- men, however, own the actual number another way, how- ?q !

% I! 6 F?G. 1. H.?P OF UPI'I?,? P.?T,?N, CASE No. 1. dicate, e.g., in Survey No. 1 the number of shares shown is 8; but in reality the field is divided into 18 plots, each sharer cultivating 6 plots annually, and moving on to another 6 plots the year after, and so on. The f. ollowing details regarding two of the hers give a good idea o! the fragmentation :--- survey num.