Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/386

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A NOTE ON SOME ANOMALIES IN THE CURRENCY OF HONGKONG PBOFESSOB OF W. J. HINTON, M.a. ECONOMICS? UNIVEBSITY OF HONGKONG The currency of China is of great interest ?o the theorist, for it contains examples of almost every type of money known, and suffers from most. of the diseases to which a currency may be subject. Some at least of these diseases appear to be con?gious and on that account the' currency of the Colony of Hongkong has not shown that regularity which the British reputation for financial sagacity gives us a right ?o expect. 'Some of these irregularities are prob- ably disappearing for good, but there is reason to fear that others are more deep-seated in the and will no? only in bu? also in persist the those of China. uutil radical alterations are currency regulations of In theory Hongkong has a system, Hon?kong silver standard. Both the Mexican and the Hongkong dollar are unlimited legal tender. There are fifty cent pieces, and baser tokens of twenty, teu, and five cents; there is also a copper coinage of one cent pieces, and a mixed