Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/439

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RELATING TO INDI 491 Servioes in India, ;Iudieisl Administration, the (]hureh in India, Local Government in India, the Iudisn Ar?, the Native 8tst?s of India, and miseellsn?us items. There are also two appendixes, one dealing with Indian Finance, and the other containing the 6?overument of India Amendment Act of 1916. We think that it would have been better had the author incorporated his notice of the amendments with his discussion of the original Act. The author frsnkl? expresses his own personal the most controversial questions of the ds?. on educated India, aoeording to Government of India should be in people of India" (p. 16), and that no authority inoreased s? ul?ims?e goal "Psrlismen? him, is" India responsible ?o ?he "?he effeo?ive powers of opinions' The goal ?he real have so far governed ?hs Empire of India", for "?hs myriad problems of India mus? be and oan be solved only 'by ?hs Indians in India. 8?rangers ?o Indian life and sentiment, animated wi?h ?hs nobler motives whioh have governed ?hs bes? of Englishman, may be sfiioien? rulers? may even be good rulers--so long ms ?hs funo?ions of ?hs S?a?s are no 'more ?han ?hose of a polioamen. (]hangs ?hs ideal of ?hs S?a?s, and no one people oould govern an- other, sspeoislly ?hose u?erly dissimilar in ?hsir habits and sentiments as ?hs Indians and ?hs English ". I? is need- less ?o quo?s more of suoh passsgss--?hey are sufiioisn? go show ?ha? ?hs author writes as a partisan o! ?hs "Home 1%uls" sohool of Indian policies lhis may dslrael from ils value the Indian Constitution, yet one

freshness of the author's views, and the foreeful manner of 
their presentation, as, for example, in the seerion dealing 

with Provincial Autonomy (pp. 1111-9). When the author brings out a seoond edition of his book, we hope he will oorreot his statement on page 176 that the Eduo?tiod Department of the Government of India deals only with matters eduoationsl, for in feet the same Depart- sent deals also with municipalities, local boards, public health, sad matters soelssisstioal, whioh the author places under ?he Home Department (p. 75). Nevertheless the author's (of. pp. 174.8). Though as a seientito study of cannot but admire the in England, however oons?i?u?ed, should be ?he oos? of ?he authorities in India, if our is self-governmen? in India ". He desires ?o abandon sl?oge?her ?he prineiples whioh