Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/473

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INDIAN ECONOMIC A$$OCIA !l?ION 455 copies of such papers read a? ?he Annual Conferences as may be published, and any o?her reports of ?he proceedings and all o?er publications of ?he Association. The annual contribution for associates is Rs.6 per annum and ?his entities associates to a?end Conferences and to receive such reports of ?he proceedings as are published by ?he Association, bu? no? ?o' vo?e on ?he affairs of ?he Associa?ian, nor ?o ?eceiv6 ?he Journal or o?her publications. The Governmen? of ?he Association is vested in a Committee. For ?he curren? year ?he Commi?e consists of ?he following: Professors Ans?y, Burne?- Hurst, Coyajee, Horne, Jevons, Hale and Lyons, Drs. Harold Mann and Gilber? Slater and Mr. C. S. Deole. The following ofilcers were ele&ed Chairman of ?he Committee: for the current Professor Anstey, Principal (Sydenham College, Bombay). Honorary Treasurer: Professor S?anley Jevons (University of Local Secretary: Dr. Madras). Honorary Allahabad). Honorary Slater (University of J. Q. Coyajee, Presidency College, Calcutta. Applications for membership to ?he Honorary Secretary. Gilbert Secretary, should be forwarded