Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/623

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scheme f?r the throughout India. finance of economic development For Justice, if we take the incidence of total Government revenue per head of population in each province, we find surprising differences, such following- .

Per head Its. 12-0 Rs. 5-8 Es. $-11 Rs. 4-12 Bombay Presi?ncy Bet?sal United Provinees Punjab The figures of incidence of land revenue per acre of cultivated area ? are also worthy of attention. For the older province t. hey are as follows: , INCIDENCE OF LAND REVENUE PElt ACRE OF CULTIVATED AREA Bengal (permanently settled area) Blhar aucl OHsas (permanently settled area) do (temporarily settled) Ms&as (pe?entl,y settle? do (ryotwari) Bombay Agra (temporarily settled) Oudh Rs. as. p. 0 1510 711 1 l 18 6 811 5. 7 18 8 1? 11 It will be observed how low is the average asses- ment in the permanently settled areas. tiens i? temporarily settled areas depend climate, (2) soil differences, (8) state of development, (4) revenue policy. The varia- upon: (1) economic In plannin 8 new ways of raising funds it appears to me that the best policy is to clisoo?er all important sources of wealth of the nature of unearned increment amd tax these. I may very briefly indicate here some of the more important: . I Fisures tsken from the Asrioultuml Ststistios of British lndh for 19t6-10,