Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/69

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dBT OF l00NOMIO DEVILOPAfENT contacts with environment, human and physical, which are not parchased, for which reason I shall call it total f?e? prych/c incom?. ? This is more important on the human side--the contacts with wife and family in the home, with relatives, friends, and acquaintances, and the religious side; whilst purchased psychic income arises more from contacts with material things purchased recently or long ago, than from personal centers purchased, as services of teacher, companion, ore. He is indeed a happy man or child who derives much free psychic income frSm contacts with'things: the beauties of scenery and sunsets, the love of wild flowers, and of sports or games requiring no artificial aids. Total social income may be divided for our present into ' public cha?el?. These will of the salaries o! persons purpose through entirely in?om?s ar/r/ng consist almost employed by public utility debt of all The word Government, local authorities, and companies, and of the interest on public kinds, and the dividends of such companies. income is here used not to mean the whole of a person's income from all sources, but the income from a definite source. Thus a person with a salary of Rs. 500 per mensera and ;eoeiving Rs. 85 half-yearly as intoros? on Government debt has two incomes in the sense in which I now use the word. (2) Total of private incomes arising from private enterprize of all kinds, including all professions, ?rades, industries and ar?s whatever, and from private property of all kinds,. e.g. 'landed estates (zemindaris) and house- property, ships, etc. It is received by individuals in various forms: as fees, salaries, profits, interest, rent, hire, and wages, the last being the largest and amounting in an industrial country or district to The word "free "ha8 here the meaninf of "8mtuitous ", or better suoh s word were eurrent in English to sisnify omythin8 obtsined f?ee of 8 if