Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/73

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0.? EGO_ROMIG DE. VELOPMEN?" 61 the community, and the least effort to himself, the means of achieving the greatest happiness for himself; (2) To secure that every person acts so as to secure the greatest happiness o! other persons with whom he comes into contact, and of the community at large. The most economical policy, therefore, is to arrange such moral education as will teach erery individual to gain his own greatest happiness by trying to promote the happiness of others. This should be one of the fundamental and primary aims of education from the child's earliest years. In the senior classes children should be taught the responsibility of the more wealthy to the poorer classes of society and of employers to their employees. Finally, morality of international relationships should be outlined. The particular objects of education must necessarily be numerous. In any course of teaching they require to be balanced:.(a) to the capacity of the i?dividual, (b) to his probable environment in adult life. Fortunately a certain amount of sorting out and grouping of children according to capacity and the most probable environment in later life actually takes place automatically through the residential localization of different classes of society ?o]Jowing different occupations. For the purpose of the development of the happiness of the individual the course of education should be devised to have two immediate objects: (1) to enable him to gain his livelihood with the grea.tes? efficiency, (2)to give him the capacity fully to enjoy his leisure time. Specified more partlouis;fly, the kinds of teaching

necessary to promote the development by an individual 

of his own happiness, as indicated by the foregoing principles, are :--(1.) Physical development, and the study of hygiene, which contribute directly to health and thus to happiness; (2) Training of the senses and power of perception, with two objects :--(a) to increase the pa?n'? ability for production, both as regards qualit?