Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/88

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76 (ILBERT SLATER E# (1) Area of the village 'site. (?) Localization of castes. (,?) Dwellings o! depressed ca.?te?. (4) Types of dwellings, c..q. how (?) in caste village. (b) in paracheri. (5) Gardens'adjoining dwellings. 111allV ho?lse. s, (6) Maximnm distallee of cultivat. ed l?ncls from home of cnltivator. (7) Unsatisfied demand for bn?!:ling sites. (8) Site values. (9) Do the ryots exchange lands in o?der to get their lands contilluons'? I! so, do they build and use field huts? To what extent are the lands of an average cultivator scattered abont in small parcels? F. SUBSIDIARY INDUSTRIES (1) Number of weavers. (2) Condition of the weaving craft:?What Yarn is used ? What looms alld winding implements ? Do weavers co-operat9 at all? What evidence is there of growth or decay in the weaving indnstry? Give average earnings. (.9) Is handspinning practised; if not when abandoned ? (4) List of other crafts in the village giviug when possible the proportion of working time spent Oll the craft, average earnings and any interesting features about the craft. (5) Give any informatioa available showing whether any village industry is deve!:?ping or increasing; or, on the other hand 'dying, decayi?g, or becoming loss remunerative. VILLAGE TRADE-- (1) How do the villagers purchase omnlodit[es roqnired ? (a) for industrial and agricnltural use? (b) for their own consumption ? (2) Sale of village produce-- (a) Estimate the quantities of village produce sold out of tile village. (b) Describe the methods of sale. (3) Condition access to centres. of village with regard to main roads, railways and local roads, commercial