Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/98

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18. Estimate, either from history or present observation, or both, the economic evils and disasters associated with the relations of the sexes. Consider with various colleagues, e.g. those concerned with psychology and ethics, with history and poetry, with gynecology, with morbid psychology and criminology also, the possibilities of mitigating these evils upon the economic plane, in interaction with those of the others. (In summary and development of the preceding five questions, they may, "all and more, be sub-sumed under " Cherchez la femme. " )


19. Finally ; recalling the preceding series of questions, what is your general impression of the economic level of the proceedings of the current Industries Commission ? That is, how far do its witnesses and its questioning of them encourage you to hope a really adequate treatment of Indian economic problems in the near future, or in what respect, if any, discourage you ? If the latter, indicate what evidence you would propose to bring before them.

20. State also what you understand by the term " Social Finance ", and what (if any) fresh applications of it you would recommend, in India or in Europe. Criticise those recently recommended by Charles Ferguson — " The Great News " (New York, 1916).