Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/308

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203. Hiptage Madablota, Gaertn. h.f.b.i., i. 418.

Syn. : — Gærtnera racemosa, Roxb. 360.

Sans: — Mâdhavi, Atimuktâ.

Vern. : — Kampti, madmalti ; huthee mookta (H.) ; Endra, chopar, benkar (Pb.); Madhablata (B.); Haladwail, Madhúmâlati, Mâdhavlata, Mâdhavi. (Mar.) ; Aita-lugala (N. W. P.) ; Shempati (Nepal) ; Baromali (Uriya) ; Mádhavi tige, vadla yárála, potuvadla (Tel.)

Trimen : — (Singhalese) Puwak-gédi.

J. Indraji : — (Porebunder and Gujrat)Rakatpiti, Ragatpiti, Madhavi,

Habitat : — Throughout the hotter parts of India. Ceylon, low country, moist and dry regions.

A large straggling shrub, trunk stout and erect, often of considerable size. Branchlets, young leaves and inflorescence hoary or adpressed-tomentose. Bark brown, thin, exfoliating in small thin flakes. Wood reddish-brown, very rough, soft and moderately hard, with darker patches in the centre (Gamble). Branches stout. Leaves 3-6in., oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate or cordate-acuminate : coriaceous, petioled, shining above. Racemes with densely adpressed pubescence, l-6in., axillary, usually forming a leafy panicle. Flower ½-1in. diam., very fragrant, white. Sepals obtuse. Petals twice as long, fimbriate, the 5th petal dashed with yellow at base. Carpels with a central wing between the 2 lateral. Wings of carpels coriaceous, middle one, one or two inches long, linear-oblong or oblanceolate, the two outer or lateral narrower or shorter, spreading half as long. Seeds subglobose. Cotyledons thick, unequal.

Parts used : — The leaves and bark.

Uses : — The leaves are esteemed useful in cutaneous diseases (Watt).

The bark is a good sub-aromatic bitter (Graham).