Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/371

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Use : — The root and leaves are bitter, and are employed in the form of a decoction in Malabar, as a tonic, stomachic and anti-emetic (0 ' Shaughnessy).

252. — Boswellia serrata, Roxb. H. F. b. i., i. 528, Roxb. 365.

Syn. : — B. thurifera, Roxb.

Sans : — Salasi-niryâsa, sallaki, kunduru, gugguli.

Vern. : — (The gum resin) Salhe, salci or sâlai, sâlgâ, sêl-gond, kundur, salpe, lubân (H.) ; Lubân, salai, kundro (B.) ; Saiga (Santal.) ; Anduku, anduga, gûggar, dnmsal (Kumaon) ; Salla, bor-salci, ganga (Gond), Silai (C, P.) ; Sâlar (Ulwar) ; Salai, salga, guggula, salai-dhup, sâlaphali (Bom.) ; Salaphali (Mar.) ; Kundur (Duk.) ; Dhup, mukul salai, gugali (Guz,) ; Saliya, gugul (Cutch) ; Kungli, gûgûlu, kûndrikam morada, kundruk- kampishin, parangi-shâmbi-râni (Tam.) ; Parangi-sâmbrâni, anduga-pisunu, anduku, ându, Adak (Tel.) ; Vella-kundirukkam (Mal.); Chittu Maddi (Kan.)

Habitat : — Forests of the base of the Western Himalaya as far west as the Sutlej. Central India from Behar to Rajputana, and Southward into the Dekkan and to the Circars and the Conkan within 10-20 miles of the Western Ghats.

A deciduous, middle-sized tree, with a spreading flat crown. Bark nearly ½in. thick, greenish, ash-coloured, peeling off in thin smooth flakes. Young shoots and leaves pubescent, with simple hairs Leaves imparipinnate, crowded at the ends of branches ; leaflets 8-15 pair, opposite or nearly opposite, sessile, lanceolate, more or less deeply crenate, apex generally obtuse. Flowers bisexual. Calyx small, 5-7-cleft, petals 5-7. Stamens 10-12, inserted at the base of the red annular fleshy disk. Ovary 3-celled, half immersed in the disk ; 2 collateral ovules in each cell. Fruit 3-valved, the valves separating from the dissepiments which remain attached to the axis. Seeds 3, enclosed in heart-shaped stones attached to the inner angle. Cotyledons trifid, lobes laciniate, radicle superior.