Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/463

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The present investigation has proved with the aid of the method outlined above that the most important and main constituent of the Burmese natural v rnish is urushic acid, which amounts to about 85 per cent, in the pure unadulterated specimens. (Mr. Puran Singh's paper in the Indian Forest Records, Vol. I. part IV.)

330. — Odina wodier, Roxb., h.f.b.l, ii. 29, Roxb. 336.

Sans : — Jingini.

Vern. : — Jingan, kashmala, kaimul, mowen H.) ; Jival, bohar, ghadi (B.) ; Odiya-maram, wodier, Odi, (Tam.) ; Odaimanu (Tel.) ; Shimti ; Múi [Bomb, and Sind] ; Mooi, indrámai [Uriya].

(Porebunder) Mavedo ; (Guj.) Mavédi ; (Maráthi) Shimti, Mewâ, Moyiní ; (Hind.) Jingan, Máyini ;

Habitat : — Throughout the hotter parts of India. Ceylon. Burma, Andaman Isles.

A moderate-sized or large, deciduous tree. Bark ½in. thick, compact, grey, smooth, exfoliating in small irregular plates. The stem affords gum. Wood moderately bard, close-grained. Sapwood large white ; heart-wood scanty, light red when fresh cut, turning reddish brown on exposure. Leaves imparipinnate. Rachis 6-10in., cylindric, glabrous, swollen at base. Leaflets 3-4 pair, opposite ; 2-6 pair, says Trimen, and a terminal one, shortly stalked or nearly sessile, 3-5in., lanceolate, acute or rounded, often unequal at base, more or less caudate-acuminate, entire or faintly crenate, glabrous, shining and deeply tinged with pink when young. Pinkish yellow. Flowers small, nearly sessile, pinkish yellow, appearing when the tree is bare of leaves. Inflorescence : the flowers are in small clusters, laxly arranged on elongated, slightly branched, stellate, pubescent, axillary panicles, appearing with the young leaves on the new shoots. Calyx minute, hairy. Petals oblong-oval, obtuse, reflexed in female flowers. Ovary oblong, large, glabrous. Styles very stout, divaricate. Drupe about ½in., reniform, ovoid, obtuse, compressed, smooth. Stone reniform, very hard.

Parts used : — The bark, gum and leaves. The bark yields a gum.