Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/529

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In the Concan, 2 tolas of the root-juice are given in cold milk to remove the phlegm in chronic bronchitis ; it causes nausea and vomiting. The juice of the root of the white- flowered variety is blown up the nostrils as a remedy for hemicrania (Dymock).

Mr. Mooden Sheriff speaks highly of the infusion of the root- bark as a demulcent in the irritation of the bladder and urethra ; it acts at the same time as a diuretic, and in some cases as a laxative*

The seeds are purgative and aperient (Ph. Ind,).

The infusion of the leaves is used for eruptions (Watt).

The juice of the leaves, mixed with that of green ginger, is administered in cases of colliquative sweating in hectic fever (Taylor).

The juice of the leaves mixed with common salt is applied warm all around the ear in ear-aches, especially when accompanied with swelling of the neighbouring glands (A. C. Mukerji, in Watt's Dictionary.)

393. Dolichos biflorus, Linn., h.f.b.l, ii. 210, Roxb. 563.

Sans. : — Kulatha.

Vern. : — Kalatt, kulat, baràt, gulatti (Pb.) ; Koolthee (H.) ; Woolawooloo (Tam.); Kurti-kalài (B.) ; Horec (Santal) ; Gahat, kalath, kulthi (Kumaon) ; Wulawalli, ulava {Tel.) ; Hurali, hurl(Kan.).

Habitat : — Himalayas to Ceylon.

An annual downy climber, rarely glabrescent. Stipules basifixed, ¼in. lanceolate, scariose ; leaflets entire, membranous, ovate, acute, l-2in. long, at first finely pilose on the faces. Flowers 1-3 together in the axils of the leaves ; without a common peduncle. Calyx ¼in., downy, teeth long, lanceolate, setaceous, much exceeding the tube. Corolla yellow, ½-¾in. long. Keel narrow, obtuse, rather shorter than the standard. Style filiform, minutely penicillate round the stigma, not bearded down the edge. Pod downy, 1½-2 by ¼-⅓in., much recurved, tipped with the persistent style. 5-6 seeds.

Use : — The seeds are used medicinally in the Punjab.