Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/533

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399. F. congesta, Roxb. h.f.b.l, ii. 228, Roxb. 572.

Vern : — Bara-salpan, bhalai (B. & H); Batwasi (Nepal); Nipitmuk (Lepcha) ; Dowdola (Bom.).

Habitat : — From the Central Himalayas throughout India.

Var.— nana, H. F. B., II, p. 229.

Vern. : — Supta-kasunit (H.).

Syn. : — F. nana, Roxb. 572, F. procumbens, Roxb. 571.

Habitat : — Central and Eastern Himalayas and Concan.

An erect, woody shrub, 4-8ft. high, with terete, glabrescent, old and rather angular sulcate, silky, young branches. Stipules linear, ½in. ; caducous ; petiole l-4in. sulcate down the face ; not winged. Leaves digitately 3-foliate ; leaflets subcoriaceous, thin, not plicate, 4-6in. long, narrowed to a long point, and downwards to a rather rounded base, green, glabrous above, thinly grey-silky beneath. Recemes dense, subspicate, axillary, oblong, l-2in. long, sessile, often fascicled ; bracts caducous, linear or lanceolate, ⅛-¼in. long, silky on the back, not at all, rigid ; pedicels short. Calyx ¼-⅜in., densely clothed with adpressed, shining, pale-brown, silky hairs, teeth linear- lanceolate, the lowest exceeding the others. Corolla scarcely exserted, keel obtuse. Stamens diadelphous, anthers uniform. Pod oblong ; ⅝in. long, obscurely downy, 2-seeded.

Uses : — It is remarkable that its native properties are apparently quite unknown to the Native doctors (Watt).

The roots are used by the Santals as an external applicant to ulcers and swellings, mainly of the neck (Revd. A. Campbell).

From this is obtained the coloring product Waras. Waras consists of a purplish, resinous powder, which covers the seed pods. From Waras is obtained a compound, Flemingin,C12 H12, O3 (J. Ch. S. 1898 T., p. 660).

400. Dalbergia Sissoo, Roxb. h.f.b.l, ii. 231, Roxb. 533.

Vern: — Sisam, sisu, sissai (H.) ; Shisu (B.) ; Tali, safedar (Pb.) ; Sissai (Oudh) ; Nukku-kattai, zette (Tam.) ; Sissukarra (Tel.).

Habitat: — Plains throughout India proper, ascending to 5,000 feet in the Central Himalayas.

Parts used :— The bark, roots, leaves, mucilage.