Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/539

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peduncles, and pedicels clothed with dark-brown hairs. Stamens monadelphous, the sheath deeply 2-fid. Corolla twice the length of the Calyx, 1/5-¼in., finely downy ; teeth deltoid, the two upper ones largest. Pod li-2in,, broad, often 2-seeded ; orbicular ; wing about ½-¾in.

Uses : — Not noticed by Sanskrit or Mahomedan writers. Natives on the Coromandel Coast use the gum for toothache (Ainslie);. The bark of the tree is used in Goa as an astringent (Dymock). Kino is officinal in both Indian and British Pharmacopœias. It is used as an astringent in diarrhœa and pyrosis. Its action being milder, it is better adapted for children and delicate females (Ph. Ind).

Rumphius states that the gum cures diarrhœa, and the bruised leaves are useful as an external application to boils, sores, and skin diseases.

407. Pongamia glabra, Vent, h.f.b.i., ii. 240.

Syn. :^Galedupa indica, Lam, Roxb. 538.

Sans. : — Karanja, naktâmla.

Vern. : — Karanja (H. & B.) ; Pungam-maram (Tam.) ; Kanuga-chettu, kranuga (Tel.) ; Kîdâmâr (Mar.) ; Pongam, unnamaram (Mal.) ; Sookchein (Pb.).

Habitat : — Central and East Himalayas to Ceylon. Found especially near the coast, and commonly met with in the Concan.

A moderate-sized tree, almost evergreen. Bark soft, ¼in. thick, greyish-brown, covered with tubercles. Wood moderately hard, white, turning yellow on exposure ; no heartwood, leaves imparipinnate, glabrous, brightly green ; leaflets 5-7 opposite sub- coriaceous, without stipels, ovate, shortly acuminate, 2-5in. long. Flowers in simple, peduncled, axillary, pubescent racemes, nearly as long as the leaves, white and purple. Corolla ½in., standard silky on the back. Stamens 10, the 10th filament free at the base, in the middle connate with the rest. Pod woody, glabrous, turgid indehiscent ⅛-¼in. thick, l½-2in. long, with a short decurved point. Seed 1, l½-2in. long, oily.

Uses ; -In Hindu medicine, the seeds are used as an external