Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/85

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The bruised root having been given to large dogs in the quantity of 10 grs. to 2 ounces, no particular effects were observed.

"It has been used in the Hospital of the Medical College in several cases of ague, and as a tonic in the convalescence from acute diseases.

"5 grs. of the powder, or 2 grs. of the watery extract, given thrice daily, have in some cases prevented, and in several moderated, the accession of fever, and at the same time acted gently on the bowels. The only sensation experienced was warmth at the epigastrium, and a general comfortable feeling.

"Another species of Thalictrum (flavum) is common in France, where it is termed 'the poor man's rhubarb,' as a substitute for which medicine it is generally employed. The Indian species is easily procurable from the hills, though not known in the bazars of the lower provinces.

"It deserves extensive trial, and promises to succeed well as a febrifuge of some power, and a tonic aperient of peculiar value.

"Dose of the powder.— 5 to 10 grs. as a tonic and aperient, in the interval of intermittent fevers, and in convalescence from acute diseases." (O'Shaughnessy).

"It lessens the intensity of fever, and acts gently on the bowels; thus it is a good substitute for rhubarb. As collyrium, it clears the sight. The snuff prepared from it clears the brain. It relieves toothache." (R. N. Khory).

6. Ranunculus scleratus, Linn., I. 19.

Syn.:—R. Indicus, Roxb. 458.

Vern.:—Kaf-es-saba(Arab.); Kabikaj (Pers.). Polica (Tirhut); Shim (Kumaon).

Habitat:—River banks in Bengal and Northern India; marshes of Peshawar; warm valleys of the Himalaya; unknown south of the Nerbudda.

An annual glabrous, erect yellow-green herb.