Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/119

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fruit l-6in., bracts ½-lin., leaflike ; pedicels O-½in. Calyx-lobes ½in., narrowly oblong, in fruit sometimes attaining 1 inch, much longer than the tube. Corolla ¾in., cylindric, tube somewhat dilated upward, yellow, ¼in. diam. at top, glabrous without. Filaments linear, not dilated at base, anthers included, or shortly exserted. Style overtopping the anthers. Nutlets 1/5-¼in. long, stony, white, shining smooth, often speckled.

Uses : — The bruised root is used as an application to erup- tions. The leaves possess alterative properties, and the flowers are prescribed as a cordial and stinmlant in rheumatism and palpitation of the heart (Stewart).

829. 0. bracteatum, Wall, h.f.b.i., iv. 178.

Vern : — Gâozabân.

Habitat : — Western Himalaya ; Kashmir, Kumaon, and Pindari.

Hirsute herbs. Stems loin., erect, stout, patently hispid. Radical leaves 6 by lin., petioled ; cauline 2 by ⅔in,, acuminate, upper surface hispid, with tubercular based hairs ; lower leaves lanceolate, upper ovate-lanceolate, silky white beneath. Racemes capitate. Flowers in dense silky heads 2-3in. diam. Calyx- lobes in fruit lin., linear silky. Corolla-tube ½in. long 1/6in. diam. at the mouth, hairy without, a ring of hairs at the base within. Anthers included, filaments linear. Nutlets ovoid, rough, 1/6in. acute.

Use : — It is esteemed by the native practitioners as tonic and alterative, and is much prescribed as a decoction in rheumatism, syphilis and leprosy, (S. Arjun).

It is a good refrigerant and demulcent, few medicines are equal to it for relieving the excessive thirst and restlessness in febrile excitement. It is also of great service in relieving functional palpitation of the heart, irritation of the stomach and bladder, and strangury. It is used in the form of an infusion prepared with either cold or hot water, in the proportion of 1 to 20. Dose Bii to Eiv frequently, or ad libitum (Moodeen Sheriff).