Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/122

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beneath (Trimen). 3-5in. diam., often broader than long, glabrous above, and, sometimes at length beneath (C. B. Clarke). Petioles l-2in., densely silky peduncles, mostly 3-fid, ½in. or less. " pedicels articulated to a stiff stout peduncle l-3in long " (Trimen). Bracts oblong acute, fleshy, caducous. Buds pointed silky at tip, sepals ½-¾in., ovate subacute, fleshy, silky pubescent outside. Corolla-tube l½-2in., narrow limb, white silky, without, 2½-3½in. diam., lobes shallow marginate. Ovary glabrous, stigmas blunt. Fruit nearly globose, under lin., apiculate, smooth, shining, pale brown.

Flowers deliciously sweet-scented, first white, becoming pale cream-coloured. A beautiful plant, flowering at night (Trimen).

Uses : — In Hindoo medicine, the root is regarded as alterative, tonic and useful in rheumatic affections and diseases of the nervous system (Dutt).

The leaves are maturative and absorptive, and are used as emollient poultices for wounds, and externally in skin diseases. In synovitis, the powdered root is given with milk. Mixed with vinegar, the sap is rubbed over the body to reduce obesity (Watt).

The natives use the leaves as a local stimulant and rubefacient. According to Dr. Wight, they act as a powerful vesicant (Ph. Ind.). " With regard to the alleged blistering properties of the upper surface of the leaf there must be some mistake, as we find it has no effect when applied to the skin." (Pharmacographia Indica, Vol. II. p. 541).

The roots yielded acid resins of an amber colour, soluble in ether and benzole, and partly soluble in alkalies. The acid ether extract was partly soluble in water with strong acid reaction, and gave with ferric salts a grass-green coloration ; with alkalies a bright yellow. The portion insoluble in water was soluble in alkalies with orange coloration, and afforded with acids a yellowish white precipitate. The original aqueous solution after addiion of an alkali and agitation with ether, failed to afford any alkaloidal reactions when the ethereal extract was tested. This extract did not amount to more than a trace. The original aqueous solution contained a tannin-like principle. (Pharmacographia Indica, II. 542).

833, Ipomœa bona~nox, Linn, h.f.b.i., iv. 197.

Sans. : — Pathemapu-todami.