Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/124

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a narrow point, acute glabrous, entire, 2-4in. Peduncles 1- 5-fid, somewhat shorter than the petioles. Flowers large, pale-purple, in small stalked clusters, sometimes solitary. Sepals glabrous, broad, abruptly pointed. Flowering sepals elliptic-lanceolate ; in fruit nearly as of I. bona-nox. Corolla funnel-shaped, tube 1-2 by ½in., narrowly cylindric, much longer than the Calyx, hairy within, stamens about as long as the Corolla-tube. Peduncle usually greatly thickened after fruit. Ovary 2-celled. Capsule ½-⅔ in. diam. globose, apiculate. Seeds ⅜in. long, polished, black, glabrous.

Use : — The seeds are used chiefly as a substitute for those of I hederacea. The medicinal properties seem to be the same as those of Kâlâdana, but accurate observations are required. The juice of the plant is used to destroy bugs (Dymock).

835. I. Quamoclit, Linn, h.f.b.i., iv. 199. Roxb. 169.

Sans. :— Kamalata ; Turoolata.

Vern. : — Taru latâ, Lâl or swêta Kàmlatâ lâl or swet taru latâ (B.) ; Vishnukrant (Mar.) ; Kâmlatâ (H.) ; Tsjuriacranti (Mal.) ; Ganesh-vel, Sita che kesh (Bomb.).

Habitat :-~ Native of tropical America, common throughout India, in gardens and as a denizen.

A slender, glabrous twiner. Leaves pinnate, segments distant, linear, 3-5 by 2-3in. Peduncles few-flowered. Sepals elliptic. Corolla crimson or white, middle-sized ; tube narrow, lin. long, mouth ¼in. diam. Anthers exsert. Ovary 4-cel led, ¼in., ovoid, smooth ; dissepiments thin, membranous, persistent. Seeds nearly glabrous, testa black.

Uses : — The Hindus consider it to have cooling properties. The pounded leaves are applied to bleeding piles, while a preparation of the juice with hot ghi is administered internally. In Bombay, the leaves are used as a lep for carbuncles (Dymock.)

836. I. hederacea, Jacq. h.f.b.i., iv. 199.

Syn. :—I Cœrulea, Kœn, Roxb. 168. Convolvulus Nil, Linn.; Pharbitis Nil, Chois.