Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/236

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from the oil from the leaves, and the refractive index of each fraction determined : —

Fractions. B.P. 31.5° "D
1. 145°-154° 1.48395
2. 154°-165° 1.48914
3. 165°-180° 1.49485
4. above 180° 1.49703

The results obtained are very similar to those recorded for the oil from the leaves of the South American plant (Phillipines).

To summarise :—

Neither the leaves, the stems nor the roots of Lantana Camara were found to contain an alkaloid.

The aqueous liquid was found to contain a large quantity of tannin and sugar ; the solution in which sugar was found was glucosidic in character.

The petroleum extract of the green resin was found to contain a mixture of resin acids in very large quantities.

The neutral portion of the petroleum ether extract was found to contain very likely a mixture of palmitic and stearic acids, mixture of oleic and Emucic acids and very probably a phytosterol.

The ether extract of the resin was found to contain a crystalline substance, which is a glucoside ; the formula of this substance may very probably be C27H42O4 .

The oil yeilded by flowers has got a pleasant and very powerful and persistent odour.

945. Lippia nodiflora, Rich., h.f.b.l, iv. 563.

Sans. : — Vashira.

Vern. : — Bhin-okra (H.) ; Mokna, búkan, jalnim, jorakh, mundi, boken butee, chamiara (Pb.) ; Ludra (P.) ; Wakan (Sind.) Tan (Dec.); Ratolia (Bomb,); Podutalei (Tam.); Bokenaku (Tel).

Habitat : — Abundant in wet places throughout India.

An annual herb, roughly pubescent, creeping, minutely strigose, extending 6-30in., much branched, often rooting from the nodes. Stems prostrate, sub-quadrangular, glabrous. Leaves numerous, small ¾-1¼ in., obovate, narrowed to the sessile base, toothed at top sharply, rather thick, minutely punctate. Flowers 1/10in. long, pink or white, crowded in axillary, long stalked, oblong-ovoid, bracteate heads. Heads at first nearly globose, but becoming spicate and oblong in fruit. Peduncles l-3in. from axil of only of each pair of leaves. Bracts ovate, acute, or subacute. Heads ½ by ¼in., ovoid or cylindric. Calyx