Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/280

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Collett : — 'Many flowered, crowded, compact, surrounded by an involucre of numerous long bracts.' Bracts filiform or linear, hairy, equalling the Calyx. Calyx ⅓in. long, hispid, usually curved. Corolla ⅓-lin. Stamens in unequal pair.

Use : — The authors of the Pharmacographia Indica write : — " The plant from which the seeds of Faranjmishk or Biranjmishk, Arabic forms of the Persian name Palangmishk, are said to be obtained, is described by Persian Medical writers as having a clove-like odour, on which account it is often called Karanfal-i-bustani, garden clove. According to Abu Hanfeh, it is the same as the plant called by the Arabs Asâba-el-fatiyât. It is considered to be cephalic, astringent, cardiacal, tonic and carminative."

994. Melissa parviflora, Benth., h.f.b.i. iv. 651.

Vern. :--Badrunj boya (Pers.).

Habitat : — Temperate Himalaya, from Garhwal to Sikkim and Mishmi. Khasia Mts.

A pubescent or glabrate herb. Stem tall erect, angles hirsute. Leaves l-4in., ovate or ovate-lanceolate acute, base acute, rotunded or cordate ; petiole ¼-lin , slender. Whorls numerous few-or many- fid ; flowers pedicelled. Calyx ¼-⅓in. Calyx- teeth very variable in length of the acute points ; bracts narrow. Corolla white ; tube very short, scarcely exceeding the Calyx.

Hooker writes : — " Very near M. officinalis, which has its Eastern limit in Eastern Persia, but the leaves are more acute and the lower calyx teeth are broader and shorter, but these are variable characters in the European plant."

Uses : — Mr. Honnigberger speaks of M. officinalis, Linn., being used in the Punjab as stomachic, also in liver and heart diseases, and weakness of sight, etc.

Of the M. officinalis, " the leaves drunk with wine or applied outwardly are good against the stingings of venomous beasts and the bitings of mad dogs; also it helpeth the toothache, the mouth being washed with a decoction, and is likewise good