Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/294

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Use : — An infusion of the leaves is drunk for contusions produced by blows, and about Kumaon the same preparation is used as a bitter tonic and febrifuge. (Stewart).

1015. Otostegia limbata, Benth. Mss.; h.f.b.l, iv. 680.

Vern. : — Búi, phútkanda, jandí, lana, kandiári, agzhan, awáni-búti (Pb.).

Habitat : — Punjab, lower hills, in rocky places, west of the Jhelum to the Salt Range.

A small grey, hoary spiny bush. Branches tomentose, white, terete. Spines ½-¾in. Leaves sub-sessile elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse or quite entire, nerveless lin., base narrowed, hoary on both surfaces, floral exceeding the calyces. Bracts lower spinescent, upper dilated pungent, whorls distant. Calyx villous, throat bearded, flowering 1/6in., turbinate with a broad membranous 5- toothed limb, which in fruit expands into a reticulated 5-angled cup, ⅔in. diam., with often toothed margins. Corolla ½in., tube short, upper lip very long, villous. Stamens exserted. Nutlets ½in , flattened, smooth.

Uses : — The juice of the leaves is applied to children's gums, and to ophthalmia in man and beast. (Stewart).

1016. Leucas cephalotes, Spreng., h.f.b.l, iv. 689.

Syn. : — Phlomis Cephalotes, Roth Roxb. 461.

Vern. :— Dhurpi ság (H.); Bara palkasá (B.); Audia dhurup arak (Santali) ; Kubi (Guz.) ; Pedda tumui, tum-ui (Tel ); Kedari Tumba(Mar.). Phumián, sisaliús, maldoda, guldoda, chatra (Pb.);

Habitat :— Himalaya, from Simla to Bhotan. Plains from Chittagong and Assam to the Punjab, and south through the Deccan.

A tall stout scaberulous annual herb. Stem 2-3ft., hairs spreading. Leaves membranous, more or less pubescent, 2-4in., shortly-petioled ovate or ovate-lanceolate, sub-acute, crenate serrate ; whorls l-2in. diam. very large-rounded by the imbricating membranous adpressed bracts ; terminal whorls globose. Bracts elliptic or linear-lanceolate, awned. Calyx ¾in., tubular slightly