Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/329

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surface glabrous or thinly hairy , the lower softly and densely hairy, especially in the mid-rib and nerves. Stipules tubular, very long, hairy , strongly nerved, pointed. Flowers white or tinged with pink, in terminal, usually erect, panicles, 6-18in. long. Bracts flat. Perianth 5-parted, ¼in. diam. Stamens 8. Styles 3, free nearly to the base. Nut 3-angled, pale-brown.

Use : — It is used for the same purposes as P. Hydropiper and P. alatum. It is astringent.

1064. Rheum spiciforme, Royle, h.f.b.l, v. 55.

Habitat: — Western Himalaya; in the drier ranges, from Kumaon westwards to Western Tibet.

A stemless herb. Root short or long, thicker than the thumb. Leaves all radical, 6-12in. diam., very leathery, with prominent radiating nerves and reticulated nervules beneath, red-brown in age, orbicular, broadly ovate or cordate, glabrous or stellately puberulous beneath. Petiole 3-6in., very stout, glabrous or puberulous. Racemes 1-3, glabrous, radical, 4-12in., strict, dense-fid. Peduncle and rachis stout, glabrous. Bracts minute, ovate, scarious. Flowers 1/10in. diam., on capillary pedicels. Fruit broadly ellipsoid or oblong, wings membranous, broader than the disk, ⅓-½in. long, 3-4-times as long as the oblong obtuse sepals; tip rounded or notched, wings membranous. Pedicel half as long as the fruit or less.

1065. R. Moorcroftianum, Royle, h.f.b.l, v. 56.

Habitat : --Western Himalaya ; Kumaon.

Stemless species of stout herbs, with woody large roots. Flowers in a spike like raceme. " This plant, " says J.D. Hooker, " differs from R. spiciforme in the very much larger pubescent peduncles and racemes which together are two feet long, and in the form of the fruit." Leaves all radical, thickly coriaceous, orbicular, glabrous or stellately puberulous beneath Racemes pubescent, fruit ovoid, wings narrow.

1066. R. emodi, Wall., h.f.b.l, v. 56.

Vern.: — Revand-chini (H. and B.) ; Révande-hindi (Pers.) ;