Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/33

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application to wasp stings (Surgeon-Major P. N. Mukerji, in Watt's Dictionary).

752. V. pusilla Murr, h.f.b.i., ill. 640.

Syn. :— V. parvifiora, Retz. Roxb. 242.

Sans. : — Sangkhi ; Sangkhapuli.

Vern. : — Kapa-vila (Malay.).

Habitat : — Western Himalaya ; Garhwal, and Upper Gangetic Plain ; common throughout the Deccan.

An erect, pale-green, annual herb, l-2ft. high, erect, glabrous, branched from the base. Stem and branches acutely 4-angled. Leaves 1½-2½ by ⅓-¾in., lanceolate, acuminate, membranous, margins minutely scabrid, stipular, glands subulate. Petiole ¼in., or less, slender. Flowers very small, subsessile, ⅓in. long, on short pedicels, white. Sepals filiform. Corolla-mouth narrow, hairy, throat glabrous, thickened. Follicles 2-3in., very slender, diverging, straight membranous. Seeds 1/10in., linear-oblong, cylindric, rounded at both ends ; testa black, many-ribbed, ribs rough. Except for the Corolla this has all the appearance of a gentian.

Use : — A decoction of the dried plant, boiled in oil, is rubbed on the loins in cases of lumbago (Ainslie).

Dr. W. Burns, Economic Botanist, Agricultural College, Poona, has had cases of cattle-poisoning from this plant, reported to him. (K. R. K.).

753. Plumeria acutifolia, Poiret., h.f.b.i., iii. 641.

Syn.: — P. acuminata, Roxb. 248.

Vern.: — Gulachin, goburchamp, golainchi, chameli (H.); Gorur champa (B.) ; Kát chámpa (Uriya); Gulanj baha (Santal.) ; Champa puugar (Gond.) ; Khair-champâ, dolochápá, khad- champo, gulachin, chameli (Bomb.); Rhuruchápha ; Khair champâ (Mar.) ; Rhadachampo (Guz.) ; Váda ganneru (Tel.) ; Kanagala ; Ganagalu ; Go Sampige. (Kan.).

Habitat : — Cultivated and naturalised in many parts of India.