Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/389

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and attenuant, and is prescribed in decoction in the quantity of four ounces or more twice daity. (Ainslie.) The juice of the leaves is used medicinally in the Konkan. It is made into a pill with camphor and cubebs, which is allowed to dissolve in the mouth as a remedy for bleeding from the gums, it is also reduced to a thin extract along with the juice of other alterative plants and made into a pill with aromatics. This pill is given twice a day, rubbed down in milk as an alterative in ' heat of the blood'. (Dymock.)

1130. P. Emblica, Linn., h.f.b.i., v. 289 ; Roxb. 684.

Sans. : — Dhâtriphala, Amritaphala, Amalakam, Shri-phalam, Sainam.

Vern.—Aonlá, (H.) ; Ambliy (Arab.); Amelah (Pers.) ; Ambul, ambli (Pb.) ; Amla, àmlaki (B. and Ass.); Ambari (Garo) ; Neli, nellekai (Tam.); Shabju, zíphiyusí (Burm.) ; Anvala (Mar.).

Habitat : — Throughout Tropical India, wild or planted, from the base of the Himalaya, from Jummoo eastwards, and southwards to Ceylon.

A moderate-sized, deciduous, pretty and ornamental tree. Bark somewhat less than ⅓in., thick, light grey, exfoliating in irregular patches; inner substance red. Wood red, hard, close-grained, warps and splits in seasoning ; no heartwood. Branchlets mostly deciduous, finely pubescent or glabrous. Foliage feathery, light green. Leaves equal and distichous, symmetrically close ; set like the leaflets of a pinnate leaf, glabrous, puberulous beneath, ⅓-½in. long, sub-sessile, linear-oblong, acute or mucronate. Stipules minute, ovate, finely acute. Flowers apetalous, monoecious, greenish-yellow, in axillary clusters. Male flowers : -Numerous and shortly pedicillate ; stamens 3, joined in a short column. Disk, of distinct glands, alternating with the calyx-segments, rarely 0. Female-flowers few, sub-sessile. Sepals as in male. Disk cupular, lacerate. Ovary 3-celled, with 2 ovules in each cell ; styles 3, connate at the base, twice bifid,