Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/406

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These results indicate that the oil belongs to the class of drying oils typified by linseed oil, and would be suitable for the manufacture of soft soap and in the preparation of oil-varnishes, paints and linoleum and other similar purposes, to which oils of this class are applied industrially. (Agricultural Ledger— 1907— No. 4.)

1146. Croton reticulatus, Heyne, h.f.b.i.,v. 386.

Vern. :— Pándhari or pándharisálá (Mar.).

Habitat : — Deccan Peninsula, from the Concan southwards.

A shrub with slender, terete branches. Branchlets, leaves beneath and inflorescence silvery, lepidote. Leaves ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, quite entire, shortly 3-nerved at the base, opposite and alternate, 4-10in., smooth and glabrous above, base acute or rounded ; petiole ½-l½in., rusty, lepidote. Racemes few-fid, shorter than the leaves. Sepals of male oblong ; margins woolly, twice as large as the woolly oblong petals. Stamens glabrous except at the villous base, 15-18. Sepals of female linear, oblong, accrescent in fruit, sometimes ½in. long. Ovary globose, stellately lepidote. Styles very variable, usually 2-partite, with long, slender, unequally 2-fid arms. Capsule ½in. long, broadly oblong, stellately lepidote.

Use:— The bark is used as a bitter and stomachic. (S. Arjun.)

1147. c. oblongifolius,Roxb., h.F.B.i.,v. 386, Roxb. 688.

Vern. :— Chucka (Patna) ; Baragach (B.) ; Arjunna (Oudh) ; Ach (Nepal) ; Kurti, konya, kuli, poter (Kol.) ; Putri (Lohar-dugga) ; Gote (Santal) ; Kote, putol (Mal.) ; Burma, parokupi (Ass.); Bhutan kusam (Tel.) ; Gonsur (Goa) ; Ganasura (Mar.).

Habitat : — Bengal, Ceylon, Behar, Central India and the Deccan Peninsula.

A small, deciduous, often gregarious tree. Bark lin. thick, grey or brownish, inner bark red, coarsely fibrous. Wood yellowish-white, moderately hard. Branches rather stout. Shoots, young leaves, branchlets, inflorescence, calyx and ovary densely clothed with minute, orbicular, silvery scales. Leaves rather coriaceous, pale-green, glabrous when full grown, oblong-lanceolate, penninerved, more or less serrate, blade 5-10in. ; petiole