Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/408

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silky below. Female flowers : — sepals ovate, or oblong sub-acute, scabrid ; petals very minute, subulate, long-ciliate ; disk low, hirsute. Ovary densely woolly ; styles bifid, arms long, slender. Capsule large, globose, or broadly oblong, woody, ⅔-lin. long or broad, terete or with 6 slender ridges, densely rusty, scabridly pubescent, 6-valved, from the top downwards. Seeds very variable, dorsally compressed, slightly rugose. The variable fruit is the remarkable character of this plant. (J. D. Hooker.)

Use : — Mr. Home says the leaves are applied as a poultice to sprains.

1149. C. Tiglium, Linn., h.f.b.i., v. 393 ; Roxb. 688.

Sans. : — Jayapála ; Kanakaphala.

Vern. : — Jaypál (B.) ; Jamál-gota (H. and Mar.) ; Napál (Guz. and Kan.) ; Nerválam (Tam.) ; Nepála-vitna (Tel.) ; Nir válam (Mal.)

Habitat : — Bengal, Assam and southward to Malacca, Burma and Ceylon.

A small, evergreen tree. The youngest shoots sparsely stellately hairy. Leaves membranous, glabrous, ovate, acuminate, more or less serrate, 2-4in., glands minute, sessile, 3-5 basal-nerves. Petiole l-2in. slender. Racemes 2-3in. Rachis glabrous ; bracts subulate. Male flowers : — pedicels stellately hairy ; sepals nearly glabrous, tips bearded ; petals narrow, woollyedged. Stamens 15-25, glabrous, receptacle, villous ; disk-glands 5, small. Female flowers : — Sepals villous at the base within. Petals 0. Disk obscure, annular. Styles slender, 2 partite. Ovary, stellately hispid and oblong. Capsule ¾-lin. long, white, turbinately obovoid, obtusely trigonous. Seeds ½-⅔in., oblong, obtusely trigonous, pale.

Use : — The seeds and oil are officinal in both the Pharmacopeias and their uses are too well known to be mentioned here.

1150. Crozophora tinctoria, A. Juss., h.f.b.i,, v. 408.

Vern. : — Tappal buti, nilam, kukronda (Pb.) ; Shadevi, sonballi, subali (H.)