Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/424

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complaints attended with anomalous symptoms. By the Hindu doctors of the Coromandel coast, it is given in quantity of half-a-teacupful of the decoction twice daily. (Ainslie.) The root forms the basis of an external application in leprosy while the leaves dried, reduced to powder, and mixed with ginger and kaiphul form an " errhine " which is prescribed in cases of headache. (Taylor.) In the Konkan, the root is used to aid the extraction of guinea-worm, a paste made from them being applied to the part. A paste with tulsi juice is also employed as a cure for itchy skin eruptions. (Dymock.) In Chutia Nagpur, the root is given when the extremities are cold during fever ; also for pains in the legs and arms. (Campbell.)

The fruit rubbed over the head with a little water is useful in cases of baldness. (Dr. Thornton in Watt's Dictionary.)

Var. : — Cannabina.

Vern. : — Sirru-kánchari vayu (Tam.).

An erect or climbing shrub 4-5ft. high, not twining, more or less hispid and with stinging hairs. Stems stout, woody. Leaves palmately 3-partite, up to 3½in. long; lobes toothed or pinnatifid, the mid -lobe much longer than the lateral ones. Male flowers and calyx of female flowers as in T involucrata. Styles 3, slightly spreading, not revolute. Capsules ⅜in across, 3-lobed, hirsute ; lobes globose. Seeds globose, smooth, 1/6in. in diam. (Duthie).

Uses: — The root is considered diaphoretic and alterative, and is prescribed in decoction, together with other articles of like virtues to correct the habit ; an infusion of it is also given as a drink in ardent fever in the quantity of half a tea-cupful twice daily. (Ainslie).

1161. Sapium indicum, Wild., h.f.b.i., v. 471 Roxb. 691.

Syn.: — Excœcaria indica, Muell.

Vern. :— Huruá ; Batul (B.) ; Hurná (Bomb.).

Habitat: --Bay of Bengal, from the Sunderbans to Tenasserim. S. Konkan. (Bay plant is growing in the Konkans, but