Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/450

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perianth tubular, short, covering only the pedicel of the rhomboid minutely tuberculate achene. Style much longer than the achene ; stigma cylindric or clavate.

Uses: — It possesses, according to the experience of Mr. Moodeen Sheriff, all the medicinal properties of the preceding F. hispida. It is desirable to know more of the properties of these trees. (Ph. Ind.)

1187. F. palmata, Forsk., h.f.b.l, v. 530.

Syn. : — F. carica, Linn. Roxb. 636.

Vern. : — Gúlar, khabára, anjiri, beru, bedu (H.) ; Phagwara, kák, kok, phedú, inzar, phag, kirmi, phagoru, fágu, phog, khabáre, phegra, thapur, jamir, dhúrú, dhudi, daholia (Pb.) ; Phagwara (Pushtu); Anjir, inzar (Afg.) ; Kembri (Raj.); Dhoura (C. P.) ; Pepri (Guz.) ; Fagwara, Thapur (Plains of Upper India).

Habitat:— N.-W. India, from the Indus eastwards to Oudh, ascending to 3,000ft. in the Himalaya, Mt. Aboo.

A bush or moderate-sized tree. Shoots tomentose, pubescent or glabrous. Bark grey, smooth. Wood white, close and even-grained, moderately hard, with wavy crescentic bands of soft tissue, alternating with bands of equal width of firmer tissue. Pores very small and moderate-sized, often oval and sub-divided. Medullary rays fine and moderately broad ; unequally distributed. (Gamble.) Branches solid, with a large pith ; branchlets, petioles and underside of leaf soft-tomentose. Leaves rough above, broad-ovate, dentate, at times deeply lobed ; base truncate or cordate, sometimes abruptly narrowed to the petiole ; blade 3-5, petiole l-2in. long ; 3-5 basal nerves ; secondary nerves on midrib 3-6 pairs. Stipules in pairs, ovate, acute, pubescent, deciduous. Receptacles axillary, more or less pear-shaped, umbonate, i-lin. diam. ; usually pubescent, yellow when ripe, edible ; basal bracts deciduous 3, acute, at the base of the stalk which often lengthen out to ½in. as the fruit ripens, peduncle ½-lin. Perianth ciliate with long hairs. Male flowers on hairy pedicels, sepals 4-5, lanceolate, hairy. Gall flowers, sessile or pedicelled ; perianth deeply 5-cleft ; ovary