Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/48

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Sans : — Bhadravalli, bhadramunja, visâlyakrit.

Vern : — Rámsar ; Chamari-ka-vel (H.) ; Hápar máli ; Rámsar (B.) ; Dudhi (Kumaon), Pulta podara yárála, pala malle tivva (Tel.).

Habitat : — The Himalayan tract, from the Ganges eastward, Central and South India. (Commonly cultivated in India).

Tall, twining shrubs, with ash colored bark and cymose flowers, Leaves, elliptic or oblong or linear-oblong, acuminate, pellucid, dotted, 1½-4 by ¾-1½in., glabrous or pubscent. Petiole ½-⅔in. The axils of the petioles glandular. Cymes 5-10-fid., sessile or peduncled, dichotomous much shorter than the leaves. Flowers pure white ⅔in., diam., fragrant. Sepals ovate oblong obtuse equallying the short corolla- tube. Corolla- limb spreading. Disk ciliate. Filaments line or, villous. Anthers woolly. Style pubescent, Follicles 6 by 2 in., straight tapering from a rounded base to a stiff point, splitting into 4 valves when dry (Roxb). Pericarp thick, fibrous. Seed lin., ovate, beaked, with a tuft of pairs at hilum, Coma very long, silvery white.

Uses : — The milky juice is employed as an application to wounds and old sores in the U. P. (Atkinson).

The milky juice is a mild irritant. Applied to old sores and sinuses, it excites some degree of inflammation in them and thereby expedites the process of healing (Assist-Surg. R. C. Gupta, in Watt's Dictionary).

760. Wrightia tinctoria, Br. h.f.b.i., iii. 653.

Syn. : — Nerium tinctorinm, Roxb. 243.

Sans. : — Hayamáraka.

Vern. : — Indarjou (H. and B.); Kála kado, kala-kuda, kuda, khirni, bhúrkúri (Bomb.); Pálá, veypale, pila, pilá (Tam.); Tedlapál, tellapal, amkudu (Tel.) ; Kodmurki, Kuda, beppalli, pale (Kan.) ; Kota kappála (Malay.).

Habitat — Central India, throughout the Western Peninsula. Rajputana. Thrives on Mount Abu, Burma.