cardamoms, cinnamon and sugar. The talispatra also enters into the preparation of numerous complex prescriptions. (U. C. Dutt's Hindu Mat. Med.) Dr. F. Hamilton says the Hindu Doctors of Behar use an infusion of talispatra in the treatment of hoarseness. Hakims affirm that the gum, mixed with oil of
roses, when taken internally, produces intoxication. This mixture is used externally for headache, neuralgia, &c. The juice of the fresh leaves is used as a family medicine in fevers, acting as an anti-periodic, for infants, dose 5-10 drops in water or mother's milk. It is also prescribed in affections of the chest and during dentition. In Bengal, it is given as a tonic after parturition.
1224. Dendrobium Macraei, Lindl., H. F.B.I. , v. 714.
Vern. : — Joivanti Jiban, Sag (H.) ; Jibai, Jibanti(B.j ; Jivanti (M. and G.).
Habitat :— Sikkim Himalaya, Khasia hills, Deccan, Kanara, Nilgiri Hills.
Rootstock creeping annulate. Stems pendulous 2-3ft., branches ending in fusiform pseudo bulbs 2-2½in. long. Leaves 4-8in., linear-oblong, obtuse, sessile. Flowers 2-3, shortly peduncled, ¾-lin. long, white ; pedicels ¾-lin. long. Sepals and petals erecto-patent linear-lanceolate acute, mentum short conic. Bracts basal, sheathing ; side-lobes of lip oblong obtuse, sprinkled with red ; mid-lobe variable, small with 2 diverging lobules crenulate and crisped, disk between the side-lobes with 2 fleshy crests.
Uses : — This plant is the Jivanti of Sanskrit writers. In the Nighantas it bears the synonyms of Jivani, " life-giving," Jiva "life-giving," Jivaniya "supporting life," Jiva-śreshtha, Sâka- śrestha " best of herbs," and Yasas-vini " renowned." It is also spoken of as Jiva-bhadra and Mangalaya "auspicious," and is described as cold, mucilaginous, light, strengthening, and tridosha-ghna, i.e., a remedy for the disorder of the three humors of the body, bile, blood and phlegm, known to Hindu