1230, Saccolabium papillosum, Lindl, h.f.b.i., vi. 63.
Syn. : — Acampe papillosa, Lindley.
Sans. : — Rásná, gandhát, nákuli.
Vern. : — Kánbher, rásná (Mal.).
Habitat :— Bengal and the Lower Himalaya Mts., from SikWm eastwards, Assam, the Gangetic Delta and the Circars.
Stem2-3ft., elongate, epiphytic, branched, scan dent, as thick as a goose-quill. Leaves 4-5in., obliquely notched. Scape l-2in., internode, close. Flowers ⅔in. diam., bracts semi-circular, mid- lobe of the lip ovate, spur conical, pubescent within. Ovary very short. Capsule 1¼in., fusiform.
Use : — In Konkan, its roots are considered to have cooling properties. (Dymock.) It is said to be a specific for rheumatism. It is invariably given as a substitute for Sarsaparilla.
In the Concan, S. Wightianum, Hook, f., Rheede, Hort. Mai. xii.,t. 4, and S. præmorsum, Hook. f. Rheede, Hort. Mai. xii., t. 4, very similar plants, are used as Rasna. The Marathi peasants call these plants Kânbher. (Pharmacocp; Ind. Ill 393.)
1231. Curcuma angustifolia, Roxb., h.f.b.i., iv. 210, Roxb. 10, 11.
Vern. : — Tikhur (H. and B.) ; Ararut-chá-gaddá, Tavakhira (Mar.) ; Kuve-gadde (Kan.) ; Ararut-kishangu ; Kua (Tam.) ; Ararut-gaddalu (Tel.).
Habitat : — Tropical Himalaya, from Kumaon to Nepal.
A dwarf herb. Rootstock small, globose; tubers many, oblong, at the end of long fibres. Leaves with short petioles 1-l½ft. blade lanceolate, plain green ½-lft. by 2-3in. Spike with peduncle, æstival, ½-lft., 3-6 by 2in. diam. ; flower bracts lin. green, ovate ; pink ; bracts of coma few or many. Corolla tube ½in., lobes of corolla pale-yellow, upper segment ovate, lateral oblong, shorter. Staminode and lip bright yellow, the latter orbicular cuneate, emarginate.