Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/71

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treatment of catarrhal affections, in ten grain doses, at the Pettah Hospital, Mysore (Ph. Inch).

The fresh leaves made into a pulp are used as a stimulating poultice in carbuncle, with good effect (S. Arjun).

Certainly valuable as an emetic with infants : the leaves are washed, and the juice expressed by rubbing between the palms of the hands ; the leaves of the dark Toolsi are similarly treated, and then a mixture of the juice is given : this preparation is a stimulating emetic. (Dr. Evers).

Used in infantile diarrhœa (Dr. Thompson, in Watt's Dictionary).

Dr. P. S. Mootooswamy notices the use of the juice in rheumatism in combination with ginger. It is used in the preparation of a purgative medicinal oil used in rheumatism, amenorrhœa and dysmenorrhœa, and that the root bark is used as a purgative in rheumatic cases in doses of 1 to 2 drachms mixed with cow's milk. (Ind. Med. Gaz., Feb. 1890).

The leaves like those of tobacco and Adhatoda, evolve alkaline fumes when ignited, and like them contain an alkaloid. The alkaloid, which we have provisionally named Dæmine, is soluble in ether, alcohol and water and shows no disposition to crystallize from these and other solvents. In contact with strong sulphuric acid it dissolves with a reddish violet colour, gradually fading ; with Fronde's reagent it gives a yellowish brown coloration. It forms crystalline deliquescent salts very soluble in water with a bitter taste. An alkaloid having similar properties was separated from a sample of the root. The ash from a sample of the dried and powdered leaves amounted to 15.33 per cent. (Pharinacographia Indica, Vol. II. p. 444.)

777. Holostemma Rheedii, Wall, h.f.b.i., iv. 21.

Syn. : — Asclepias annularis, Roxb. 253.

Vern. :- Tultuli, sidori, dudurli (Bomb.); Apung (Kol.); Apung, morou-rak (Santal.) ; Palay kirai (Tam.); Pala kura, pála gurugu, istarakula (Tel.).

Habitat :— Tropical Himalaya, from Sirmore to Sikkim ; Deccan Peninsula, from the Circars and Canara southwards.

A rather large perennial, woody at base. Stems twining, much branched, glabrous, shining. Leaves rather large, 3-5in.,